Trick-or-Treat hours for Champaign-Urbana are observed using the following schedule:
- Trick-or-Treating is recognized on October 31 (Halloween), regardless of the day of the week
- If Halloween falls on a weekday (Monday-Friday), trick-or-treating is observed 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
- If Halloween falls on a weekend (Saturday, Sunday), trick-or-treating is observed 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
The Champaign Police Department and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offer these Halloween safety tips if your child will participate in trick-or-treating.
- Swords, knives, and similar costume accessories should be short, soft, and flexible. Wear well-fitting masks, costumes, and shoes to avoid blocked vision, trips, and falls.
- Avoid trick-or-treating alone. Children should always be accompanied by a parent or another trusted adult. Older children should always travel in groups.
- Familiar neighborhoods with well-lit streets make for safer routes. Avoid streets that are isolated, or homes that are poorly lit inside or outside. Never accept rides from strangers.
- Examine all treats for choking hazards and tampering before eating them.
- Hold a flashlight or glow stick while trick-or-treating to help you see and for others to see you. Fasten reflective tape to costumes and bags to help drivers see you. Always WALK and don’t run from house to house.
- Always test make-up in a small area first. Remove it before bedtime to prevent possible skin and eye irritation.
- Look both ways before crossing the street. Use established crosswalks wherever possible.
- Lower your risk for serious eye injury by not wearing decorative contact lenses.
- Only walk up to a home if it feels safe. Remind children to remain alert and report suspicious incidents to parents and/or law enforcement.
- Walk younger children to the door to receive treats. Do not let children enter a home unless you are with them and are familiar with the resident.
- Eat only factory-wrapped treats. Avoid eating homemade treats made by strangers.
- Ensure that children know their home phone number and address in case you are separated.
- Never walk near lit candles or luminaries. Be sure to wear flame-resistant costumes.