The City's boards and commissions perform a vital role in making our democracy work at the local level. By working with the City Council and City staff, board and commission members become familiar with the needs and problems of the community, and can apply their own talents and experiences to improve the quality of life for everyone living in our wonderful city. Volunteering to serve on a board or commission is an opportunity to give back to the community and to make a difference right here at home.
Board of Fire and Police Commissioners
The Board of Fire and Police Commissioners conducts and approves the recruitment and testing processes for appointments and promotions of all commissioned personnel below the rank of Battalion Chief in the Fire Department and Deputy Chief in the Police Department. It is also responsible for conducting hearings and rendering decisions on disciplinary matters for both departments as provided for in the collective bargaining agreements.
Champaign Public Library Board of Trustees
The Library is governed by the Board of Trustees of the Champaign Public Library, which is comprised of nine Champaign residents, one of whom is a current member of the City Council. The Board of Trustees establishes policy for the Library and appoints the Library Director, who serves as the Library’s chief executive officer.
Citizen Review Subcommittee
The Citizen Review Subcommittee is responsible for promoting public confidence in the professionalism and accountability of the Champaign Police Department through unbiased review of the investigation of citizen complaints. The subcommittee is also responsible for policy recommendations and public outreach to improve community-police relations.
Code Review and Appeals Board
The Code Review and Appeals Board reviews and advises the City Council regarding all building construction codes, and hears appeals as it relates to a decision involving building codes for new construction.
Historic Preservation Commission
The Historic Preservation Commission identifies properties, structures, and areas that are historically significant. This Commission also advises the Plan Commission and City Council on the designation of Landmarks, Conservation, and Historic Districts. The Commission also acts to facilitate the protection of visual characteristics by reviewing, giving advice, and passing upon changes to the exterior architectural appearance.
Human Relations Commission
The Human Relations Commission is responsible for the promotion of equal rights and opportunities in the City of Champaign. It is responsible for the enforcement of the City’s Human Rights Ordinance and serves as the hearing board for complaints that cannot be conciliated by staff. The Commission also advises the City Council on human rights and equal opportunity issues.
Neighborhood Services Advisory Board
The Neighborhood Services Advisory Board provides input and feedback on the City’s Neighborhood Wellness and Community Development programs. The Board reviews the development of the Consolidated Plan to include the Community Development Block Grant Allocation and the Home Investment Partnership Fund Allocation. The Board also reviews other programs and applications for local, state, or federal funding related to the improvement of housing opportunities for low and moderate income persons and community development activities of the Neighborhood Services Department.
Plan Commission
The Plan Commission acts in an advisory capacity for the City Council. It discusses and reviews various land-use and related issues. It also considers preliminary and final subdivision plans, zoning changes, and annexation agreements.
Zoning Board of Appeals
The Zoning Board of Appeals is a quasi-judicial board which reviews requests for Variations from the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance when a property has a unique hardship, and is also used to appeal interpretations made by the City’s Zoning Administrator. Because the Board is quasi-judicial, in many circumstances its decisions are not subject to the review of the City Council.