Welcome from the Chief
The Champaign Police Department is a full service police agency dedicated to providing the highest quality of service and protection to our community.
Consisting of 127 sworn officers and 35 civilian staff, we are committed to providing excellent police service to every citizen, business owner and visitor. We strive to increase safety, improve the community’s quality of life and prevent crime through a number of collaborative, engaged, evidence-based policing strategies.
In a growing city of over 86,000 residents and more than 200,000 county-wide, those numbers mean that your involvement makes all the difference in our continued progress forward. Simply put, we cannot tackle our community’s challenges without you.
We hope that you find the information here helpful and invite you to explore the website to learn more about your Police Department’s staff and services. Above all, we challenge each of our residents, as we do our staff, to discover the ways in which we can work together to foster strong community-police partnerships and a safer, healthier community.
Timothy T. Tyler
Chief of Police