Parking Programs Office


Do you need to

If so, please proceed to our Online Parking Services site for those services.


Academic Year Permits

The Academic Year 2024-2025 permits are sold out.  Occasionally, a permit is returned and will be put back into inventory.  View a list of permit areas that have sold out to determine if any spaces are available.  If so, you may follow instructions on the site to purchase a permit.

Please read information available on this site for assistance.  You may also purchase your permit in person at Public Works, 702 Edgebrook Drive, between 7:30 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding City Holidays (New Year’s Day, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (Observed), Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day).  Please note the permit can only be purchased in the name of the permit holder.

You must provide the the following by either attaching the documents/information to your online purchase, or send the information via email to

  • A current copy of your driver’s license.
  • A copy of your full vehicle registration that includes the owner’s information.
  • Your Campus address, including apartment number.

Mark your Calendars! Online and in-person sales for University District Summer 2025 and Academic Year 2025-2026 permits start on Thursday, May 1, 2025, at 8 a.m.!  Be sure to note this date and time as Permits in Areas 1 and 2 sold out quickly last year.  Permits in all areas were sold out by mid-August.

Parking Programs Office
702 Edgebrook Drive | Champaign IL 61820

Office Hours:  7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except City Holidays
Permit Sale Hours:  7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, except City Holidays

Enforcement Hours:

  • No Parking 3 to 5 a.m. Zones:  On-street metered spaces will be enforced seven (7) days per week.  City hourly parking lots with signage indicating “No Parking from 3 to 5 a.m.” will be enforced seven (7) days per week.
  • Downtown:  Payment is required Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 9 p.m., except City Holidays
  • University District:  Payment is required Monday-Saturday, 7 a.m. – 9 p.m., except City Holidays

Parking Portal

Pay citations, appeal citations, find available permit spaces in the University District, or purchase a University District permit.

Citation payments may be paid on the Online Parking Services page, in person, by mail, over the phone, or by depositing them in a courtesy box.

  • Fines may be paid by cash, check, cashier’s check, or money order made payable to the City of Champaign.
  • Please write the citation number(s) or license plate number on your payment to receive proper credit.
  • Credit and debit payments (VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express) are accepted in person, over the telephone, or online.
  • Customer Service staff are available during regular business hours to answer questions concerning parking citations.

Mail your payment to:

City of Champaign
Parking Programs Office
702 Edgebrook Drive | Champaign IL 61820

Pay in person:  

Champaign Public Works Department
Parking Programs Office
702 Edgebrook Drive | Champaign IL 61820

Champaign City Building
Finance Department – 2nd Floor
102 N. Neil Street | Champaign IL  61820

Pay over the phone:

Call 217-403-4700 between 7:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, except City Holidays.

Yellow Courtesy Boxes are located at the following locations:



  • Sixth & Green Streets
  • Sixth & Daniel Streets
  • Sixth & John Streets

Do not mail cash or deposit cash in a courtesy box.  Please make sure to note your citation number on your payment.

Citations that have been paid cannot be appealed. 

Downtown and University District permit parking options and information.

Downtown Permit Parking

  • Hill Street Parking Deck
  • Downtown Parking Lots
  • On-Street Meter
  • East Park Street Residential Permit Parking Program

University District Permit Parking

  • Academic Year Permits
  • Summer Permits
  • Short-Term Temporary Permits

Parking locations and payment options in Downtown and University District.

Downtown Visitor Parking

Information about the Hill Street Parking Deck, on- and off-street metered parking, and visitor parking lot locations, rates, and payment options.

University District Visitor Parking

Information about parking locations, rates, and payment options for metered parking, visitor parking lot, and short-term/temporary permit parking.

**Applications must be submitted no later than 24 HOURS

prior to the date of meter reservation**

Meter Bag Rental
The Parking Office provides durable parking meter covers at the cost of $10 per bag per day for the purpose of temporarily reserving metered parking spaces as a convenience for utilities, businesses, and contractors during periods of unusual loading/unloading, repairs, remodeling, and other like activities in accordance with the Champaign Municipal Code 33.78.

Note:  Meter bags are not to be used as a means of reserving parking for customers or employees.  This also includes businesses reserving meters for move-in/move-out.  Requested meters may not be available due to prior reservations.  Meters are not guaranteed until a customer service representative has contacted you, accepted payment, and confirmed the meters with you.

To rent a parking meter bag,  submit the online meter bag order no later than 24 hours prior to the date of the meter reservations.  You may also submit a paper application at Public Works between the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding City Holidays.  Payments of Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express are accepted.  If you reserve or renew a meter less than 24 hours in advance, the fee will be $20 per meter.

Complete an Online Meter Bag Rental Application

Fill out the above application online and submit your request.  A Customer Service Representative will contact you for payment once your request has been received and approved.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Loading Zones:  What can they be used for?
    Loading zones are provided for the loading and unloading of equipment, tools, and other equipment.
  • If I do not rent a meter bag, do I still have to feed the meter?
    Yes.  The alternative to renting a meter bag is to feed the meter(s), but there may be time zone restrictions on the meters you will be using.
  • Am I allowed to block the sidewalk, handicapped parking, alley, or street?
    In some cases, yes; however, a separate permit must be obtained from the City of Champaign Engineering Division, call 217-403-4700.
  • Where am I allowed to park without having to rent meter bags or pay for meters?
    *Hourly rates are offered in the University & Market Lot in front of the Illinois Terminal and also in the Hill Street Parking Deck.

    *U of I and MTD offer shuttle services from Lot E-14 near the Assembly Hall.  Contact U of I Parking at 217- 333-3530.
  • What if my job site requires use of dumpsters?
    The City Engineering Division issues permits to place dumpsters on City streets.  Adjacent meters must be bagged as well.
  • What if an unauthorized vehicle is parked at the meter I rented?
    If an unauthorized vehicle is parked at your meter, you are responsible for making towing arrangements.  

Loading Zones

  • Loading and Unloading in Loading Zones
    Loading zones are located throughout the Downtown and University Districts for the use of vehicles during the loading and unloading of cargo, merchandise, or passengers.  Vehicles in loading zones must actually be engaged in loading and unloading activity.  Commercial loading zones are reserved specifically for use by properly signed commercial vehicles (see Champaign Municipal Code Sec. 33-121.-Definitions.  Paper signs are not acceptable.  Note that some loading zones have time limit restrictions – see signs posted at each loading zone for details.
  • Loading and Unloading in Metered Spaces
    Commercial vehicle operators may engage in loading and unloading activity in metered spaces between the hours of 5 a.m. to 10 a.m., Monday through Saturday, but only where signs indicate that loading and unloading is permitted.  Parking meter payment is required in all designated metered space loading zones utilized for loading and unloading.

Parking Maps

For detailed maps and lot information on parking in the Downtown and University District Areas, visit the Parking Maps page. There is also an interactive Parking Meter Map that shows the geographic location of each parking meter.

What is MobileMeter

Customers parking at a City of Champaign parking meter can use the MobileMeter to pay for their time in lieu of coins (MobileMeter is not available for use in the Hill Street Parking Deck or at pay stations).

  • Users can download the app for free at  The app is available on iOS and Android phones.
  • Users may also use the website to pay or call 217-207-3033.
  • MobileMeter users can pay for any length of time at the meter, up to the maximum amount of time allowed per the regulation sticker on the meter.
  • Users first need to set up an account using their cell phone number and entering their credit card information.
  • After initial setup, users will not have to re-enter their payment information on subsequent uses.
  • There is a $0.35/transaction fee per use.
  • Users who load a MobileMeter Wallet to pay for their session and load $10, you will receive $1 free.
  • Meters paid via MobileMeter will show “expired” on the meter display; however, the Parking Enforcement Officer will see payment when viewing their handheld device.
  • Please make sure to stand at the meter until your transaction is complete, or risk receiving a ticket.


Parking Rules and Regulations:

Information about some of the Parking Programs Office services offered as well as some of the common parking regulations effective in the City of Champaign are listed below.  Go to Chapter 33 of the City Code for a complete list of parking regulations in the City of Champaign.  Vehicles not adhering to these regulations may be ticketed and/or towed.

Abandoned/Inoperable Vehicles:

Under City Municipal Code, vehicles may not park on City streets or public property in excess of 72 hours, have broken windows or flat tires, or lack current registration.  Vehicles are not allowed to park in City parking lots or at metered spaces in excess of 24 hours of the parking limit for those locations.  In these instances, vehicles are considered to be abandoned/inoperable.  Also, if your vehicle registration sticker has expired, you may be ticketed.  This violation falls under the Abandoned/Inoperable Vehicles category.

Accessible Parking: 

Accessible parking is permitted only when the authorized placard/license plate is displayed.  Individuals with a grey/yellow striped permit are exempt from paying parking meters.  Individuals with a blue permit must pay the parking meter.  The individual assigned to the permit must enter or exit the vehicle at the time the parking privileges are being used.  A “Person with Temporary Disabilities Parking Placard” valid for up to 90 days may be obtained from the City of Urbana Finance Department, 400 S. Vine St., Urbana; 217-384-2345.  Visit the Secretary of State’s Office website for information about the State of Illinois Parking Program for Persons with Disabilities and instructions for obtaining a permanent placard.


Booting is a process in which a vehicle is immobilized at the location in which it is found.  A vehicle is subject to booting if the registered owner has five (5) or more unpaid citations that have remained unpaid for 30 days.  Vehicles may be booted or towed, depending on the circumstances of each situation, when it is on the public way or any City-owned property.  To release the boot, all past due fines must be paid plus a $35 administrative fee.  Payment methods accepted once a vehicle has been booted are: cash, cashier’s check, money order, VISA, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express (credit or debit).  After-hour payments (cashier’s check or money order only) may be made at the Champaign Police Department, 82 E. University Ave.

Driver’s License Suspension:

The City may petition the Illinois Secretary of State’s Office to suspend the driver’s license of the registered owner of a vehicle (or vehicles) who has accumulated 10 or more unpaid citations that have remained unpaid for 30 days.  To have the license reinstated, all past due fines must be paid.  Personal checks are not accepted once the “Notice of Impending Suspension” letter has been sent from the Parking Programs Office.  Payment methods accepted are cash, cashier’s check, money order, VISA, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express (credit or debit).

Expired License Plate Sticker:

Vehicles parked on City of Champaign streets and in City-owned lots must display current license plates and registration sticker at all times.  Vehicles failing to display current registration may be ticketed and/or towed.  If your vehicle is cited for an expired registration, it will be ticketed as an Abandoned/Inoperable vehicle.

Failed Meter:

Call the Parking Programs Office at 217-403-4700 to report a problem with a parking meter.  Be prepared to provide the meter location and number.

Flashers (Hazard Lights):

Flashers (or Hazard Lights) are a universal sign that a vehicle is disabled.  Vehicles using flashers must comply with parking regulations and payment requirements.

Front Yard Parking:

Vehicles may not park in the front yard, the area between the structure and curb, of any residence.  Parking is only permitted on the driveway.  A residence may be either a house or an apartment building and the restriction applies to vehicles parked on gravel or paved front yards.  Go to the Front Yard Parking Enforcement page or contact Neighborhood Services at 217-403-7070 for more information.

Meter Bags:

Upon application approval, the City will place bags on parking meters for the purpose of temporarily reserving metered spaces as a convenience during periods of unusual loading/unloading activities, repairs, remodeling, and other similar activities.  The fee is $10 per bag per day per meter head, unless reserved late, then the fee is $20 per bag for the first day.  Advance notice and fee payment is needed in order to guarantee an order.  Paper applications are available at the Parking Programs Office or complete an Online Meter Bag Rental Application.  You will be contacted for payment.

Parking Your Motorcycle or Scooter:

Motorcycles and scooters are required to be parked perpendicularly or at a 90-degree angle to the curb.  Larger motorcycles may park at an angle as close as possible to 90 degrees so they do not extend into the roadway.

Motorcycles and scooters will be ticketed and possibly towed if parked on a City sidewalk, parkway (the area between the curb and sidewalk), or if chained to a bicycle ring, rack, or loop.

Parking Your Bicycle:

Bicycles cannot be parked on a street other than upon the roadway against the curb, or on the sidewalk in a rack, ring, or loop to support the bicycle, or against a building, or at the curb in such a manner as to afford the least obstruction to pedestrian traffic.

Bicycles may be tagged and impounded if they pose an obstruction to pedestrian traffic, have been abandoned, or are not parked at a bike rack, ring, or loop and are obstructing a construction/maintenance project.


Parking citation fines may be paid:

  • Online at the Online Parking Services page using VISA, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express after 10 pm.
  • At yellow courtesy boxes found in the University District (Sixth & Green Streets, Sixth & John Streets, Sixth & Daniel Streets) or Downtown (Main Street Lot,  Neil & Washington Lot, North First Street Lot, 82 E. University (Champaign Police Department), Neil & University Streets (City Building), and 200 N. Randolph Street).
  • In person at the Parking Programs Office, 702 Edgebrook Drive, between 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, except City Holidays.  Payment methods accepted are cash, cashier’s check, money order, personal check, credit or debit (VISA, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express).
  • By mail to the Parking Programs Office at 702 Edgebrook Drive, Champaign, IL 61820.

Note:  The City does not recommend mailing or depositing cash in a courtesy box.  Please include the citation number or the license plate number with the payment.

Parking Rates:

Each parking meter has a card located in the dome that states the hours that payment is required and the rate for the meter.


Parking rates in the center of Downtown are priced at a premium of $1.00 per hour.  Prices decrease from $0.75 to $0.50 to $0.25 to free the further you move out toward the periphery.

Payment is required Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., except City Holidays.  Beginning at 5 p.m., you can pay the meter or pay station one time only for as long as you want to park.

Parking Downtown is FREE on the following:

  • ALL DAY on Saturdays and Sundays
  • On City Holidays:  New Year’s Day, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Day (Observed), Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day
  • Weekdays from 9 p.m. to 3 a.m.

Use the color coded meter labels to help you determine where to park that’s appropriate for the length of your stay:

  • Red = 30 minutes or less to grab lunch or a cup of coffee to go
  • Blue = 2-hour maximum for lunch or some light shopping
  • Orange = 3- or 4-hour maximum for a movie or museum visit
  • Green = 10-hour maximum for a day-long meeting or outing Downtown

University District:

Parking rates are $0.75 per hour or $1.00 per hour at meters displaying a blue label affixed to the post in the University District.  The maximum time limit for metered parking in the commercial area is two hours.  Ten-hour meters are available in the residential area at a rate of $0.75 per hour and can be identified by the green label affixed to the post.

Payment is required Monday – Saturday, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Parking is FREE in the University District on the following:

  • ALL DAY on Sundays
  • On City Holidays: New Year’s Day, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (Observed), Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day
  • From 9 p.m. to 3 a.m., Monday through Saturday

Permit Parking:

Downtown – go to Downtown Permit Parking for more information.

University District – go to University District Permit Parking for more information.

Prohibited Parking:

Section 33-53 of the Champaign Municipal Code lists specific places where parking is prohibited which include the following:

  • In any intersection.
  • In a crosswalk.
  • Upon any bridge or viaduct, or in any subway or tunnel or the approach thereto.
  • Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb within 30 feet of a point of the curb immediately opposite the end of a safety zone.
  • Within 30 feet of a traffic signal, beacon, or stop or yield sign on the approaching side.
  • Within 20 feet of any intersection or crosswalk.
  • At any place where the parking or standing of a vehicle will reduce the usable width of the roadway for moving traffic to less than 10 feet.
  • Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant.
  • On the roadway side of any vehicle parked or stopped in a parking lane or adjacent to an unoccupied space in parking lane at the edge of a street.
  • Within 50 feet of the nearest rail of a railroad grade crossing.
  • Within 20 feet of the driveway entrance to any fire department station and on the side of the street opposite the entrance to any such station within 75 feet of such entrance.
  • On any sidewalk or parkway.
  • In any fire lane, whether on public or private property.
  • At any place where official signs prohibit parking, and no other specific parking prohibition of this chapter is applicable, including, but not limited to, at any place where parking is prohibited by the display of any curbing painted yellow or upon street or other surfaces otherwise marked with street markings prohibiting parking.  This subsection applies only to places designated by the City.
  • Within 5 feet of the edge of the sides of a driveway or where the vehicle would block the use of the driveway.

Recreational Vehicles:

The City of Champaign permits parking of camping trailers, commuter vans, home trailers, motor homes, mini homes, recreational vehicles, lean campers, travel trailers, or truck campers on City streets in a residential district under the following circumstances:

  • Between the hours of 5 p.m. on Thursday and noon on Monday.
  •  By obtaining a special Recreational Vehicle Parking Permit Vehicles may be issued up to a maximum of five permits within a calendar year.
  •  Between midnight and 11:59 p.m. on Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Labor Day.

Time Limits:

Vehicles parked at a two-hour meter must move off of the block after two hours.  Vehicles may not park on either side of the street for more than two-hours in a three-hour time period.  Vehicles parked in excess of the maximum time limit may be ticketed even if the meter is paid.  Example:  A vehicle that parks at a two-hour meter at 8 a.m. must move off the block at 10 a.m.   The earliest the vehicle may return to park on the original block is 11 a.m.


The City of Champaign may tow vehicles in the following situations:

  • Vehicle is parked in a prohibited area. (See “Prohibited Parking” above for more information.)
  • Registered owner of the vehicle has accumulated unpaid parking citations.
  • Vehicle is abandoned, inoperable, and/or has expired registration.

To release the vehicle, all past due fines must be paid to the Parking Programs Office.  Personal checks are not accepted once a vehicle has been booted or towed.  The cost of the tow and all storage fees are paid to the relocator.

Visitor Parking:

  • Downtown – go to Visitor Parking for more information on Visitor Parking in Downtown.
  • University District – go to Visitor Parking for more information on Visitor Parking in the University District.
  • MobileMeter:  Customers can use the MobileMeter app to pay at City of Champaign parking meters (not available in the Hill Street Parking Deck or at pay stations).
    • Users can download the app for free at  The app is available on iOS and Android phones.
    • Users may also use the website to pay or call 217-207-3033.
    • MobileMeter users can pay for any length of time at the meter, up to the maximum amount of time allowed per the regulation sticker on the meter.
    • There is a $0.25/transaction fee per use.  This fee will increase to $0.35/transaction starting on May 1, 2024.
    • Users who load a MobileMeter Wallet to pay for their session and load $10 will receive $1 free.

Frequently Asked Questions

Parking Programs Office Questions

Where is your office located?

The Parking Programs Office is located at 702 Edgebrook Drive in Champaign.

Directions:  Head north on Prospect Avenue and turn right (east) at the Bloomington Road intersection.  Turn left (north) at the second stoplight onto Hagan Street.  Edgebrook Drive is the first road on the right from Hagan.  The Parking Programs Office is located in the first building on the left on Edgebrook Drive (Public Works Department).

What are your office hours?

The office is open 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except City Holidays.
Permit transactions end at 4 p.m.

How do I contact the office?

General Parking Questions

I never seem to have change for the meters.  Do I have any options?

  • Pay Stations:  Located in the Market & University Lot (Downtown at 43 E. University Avenue), pay stations accept coins, bills, credit, or debit (VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express).
  • Hill Street Parking Deck:  Credit, debit (VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express) and merchant validated tickets are accepted in the deck located at 123 W. Hill Street.
  • MobileMeter:  Customers can use the MobileMeter app to pay at City of Champaign parking meters (not available in the Hill Street Parking Deck or at pay stations).
    • Users can download the app for free at  The app is available on iOS and Android phones.
    • Users may also use the website to pay or call 217-207-3033.
    • MobileMeter users can pay for any length of time at the meter, up to the maximum amount of time allowed per the regulation sticker on the meter.
    • There is a $0.25/transaction fee per use.  This fee will increase to $0.35/transaction starting on May 1, 2024.
    • Users who load a MobileMeter Wallet to pay for their session and load $10 will receive $1 free.

On what days is parking free?

There is no charge to park in Champaign all day on Sundays or City Holidays (New Year’s Day, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (Observed), Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day).  Downtown parking is also free all day on Saturdays.

How do I report a problem with a parking meter?

Call the Parking Programs Office at 217-403-4700 to report a problem with a parking meter.  Be prepared to provide the meter location and number.

Who may use accessible parking?

An accessible parking space may be utilized by persons with disabilities who have been issued a disability placard or license plate by the Secretary of State.  In compliance with Illinois State regulation, the authorized placard/license plate holder must be present and must enter or exit the vehicle at the time the parking privileges are being used.  Accessible parking spaces may not be used by persons without a disability placard for any length of time.

How do I obtain a disabled parking permit or disability license plates?

A temporary handicapped placard valid for up to 90 days may be obtained from the City of Urbana Finance Department, located at 400 S. Vine Street, Urbana, Illinois, 61801, Phone 217-384-2345.

Permanent placards may be obtained from the Secretary of State’s Office.  Visit the website for information regarding eligibility requirements and the application procedure. Please note that a physician’s verification of eligibility is required to obtain temporary and permanent disability placards, as well as disability license plates.

Where in the City can I park my RV?

Recreational vehicles may only park on City streets in a residential district under the following circumstances:

  • Between the hours of 5 p.m. on Thursday and Noon on Monday.
  • By obtaining a special Recreational Vehicle Parking Permit No more than five permits shall be issued for any one vehicle within a calendar year.  (There is no cost for this permit.)
  • Between midnight and 11:59 p.m. on Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Labor Day.

Why was my vehicle towed?

Vehicles parked in prohibited areas may be towed because of safety issues.  The City may also tow vehicles registered to owners who have not paid accumulated parking citations.  Vehicles that are abandoned/inoperable and/or have expired registration can also be towed.  All citations must be paid to Parking Programs, and the cost of the tow and all storage fees must be paid to the towing company before the vehicle will be released.  Payment to the City of Champaign must be in the form of cash, money order, cashier’s check, VISA, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express only.  No personal checks will be accepted once a vehicle has been towed.  Contact 217-403-4700 for options.

I had my flashers on.  Why did I get a citation?

Vehicle flashers (hazard lights) are a universal sign that your vehicle is disabled.  They do not allow you to park in metered or prohibited areas for even a short amount of time, nor do they indicate to parking personnel that you will “be right back.”

Why was my vehicle booted?

Booting is a process in which a vehicle is immobilized in the location in which it is found.  The “Boot” is a large metal restraint that clamps onto one wheel of a vehicle, rendering it incapable of being moved.  A vehicle is subject to booting if it has accumulated five (5) or more unpaid citations that remain unpaid for a period of 30 days.   A vehicle may be booted or towed when it is on the public right-of-way or any City-owned property.  The decision whether to boot or tow will be made depending on the circumstances of each situation.

In order to release the Boot, all past due fines must be paid.  Payment must be in the form of cash, money order, cashier’s check, VISA, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express.  Personal checks will not be accepted once a vehicle has been booted. There is a $35 administrative fee to have the Boot released from your vehicle.  After hours, payment may be made at the Champaign Police Department, 82 E. University Avenue, and must be made by cashier’s check or money order.  Please contact the Police Department after hours at 217-351-4545.


Citation Questions

How do I pay my parking citation?

Citation payments may be paid on the Online Parking Services page, by mail, in person, or by depositing them in a courtesy box. Fines may be paid by cash, check, cashier’s check or money order made payable to the City of Champaign.  Please write the citation number(s) or license plate number on your payment to receive proper credit. Credit and debit payments (VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express) are accepted in person, over the telephone, or online.  Customer Service staff are available during regular business hours to answer questions concerning parking citations.

Yellow courtesy boxes are located at the following locations:



  • Sixth & Green Streets
  • Sixth & Daniel Streets
  • Sixth & John Streets

It is not recommended that cash be mailed or deposited in a courtesy box.  Please make sure to note your citation number on your check.

Citations that have been paid cannot be appealed.

What happens if I don’t pay my citation(s)?

Failure to pay outstanding parking citations may result in booting and/or towing of the vehicle or driver’s license suspension.

How do I appeal a parking citation?

If you question the validity of a parking citation, you may appeal it within seven (7) days of issuance by one of the options listed below. Citations that have been paid cannot be appealed.

  • File the appeal online at the Online Parking Services page, or file the appeal in person at the Parking Programs Office, 702 Edgebrook Drive; at the Finance Department on the Second Floor of the City Building at 102 N. Neil Street; or at the Front Desk at the Champaign Police Department at 82 E. University Avenue.  Please contact 217-403-4700 for more information.
  • You may choose to file an appeal by downloading the Citation Appeal Form and submitting the completed form to the Parking Programs Office in person, by mail (702 Edgebrook Drive, Champaign, IL 61820), email (, fax (217-403-4755), or by depositing it into the City of Champaign yellow courtesy boxes (see above for locations).
  • Write a short statement that includes:  (1) the parking violation notice number; (2) your full name, address, and telephone number(s); (3) the license plate number, make, model, and year of the vehicle; (4) any documentary evidence that rebuts the charge; and (5) a written statement signed by the appealing party setting forth facts relevant to establishing a defense to the charge.
  • If not filed online, forward the statement and copy of the citation to the Parking Programs Office by email:
  • If you are not satisfied with the results of this appeal and wish to pursue the matter, you may request a hearing with the hearing officer by filling out this form and submitting it to our office within seven (7) days of the date of your Notification of Decision.  The Legal Department will then contact you and schedule the date and time of your hearing.

Once all of the required information has been received, the appeal will be reviewed by a supervisor.  If the appeal is determined to be valid, the citation will be voided.  If the citation is upheld as valid, you will have seven (7) days to pay the fine at the amount it was when the appeal was submitted.  Results of the appeal review will be emailed to the appealing party for either outcome.

I was issued a citation that says “Abandoned/Inoperable.”  What does this mean?

A vehicle may be cited as “abandoned/inoperable” in either of the two following circumstances:

  • City Code prohibits vehicles that have not been moved or used for more than three (3) days or have broken windows or flat tires, from parking on City streets or public property.  Also prohibited are vehicles parked in a City parking lot or in a metered space 24 hours in excess of the parking limit for that lot or meter.  Such vehicles will be considered abandoned/inoperable and subject to ticketing and/or towing.
  • Vehicles parked on Champaign City streets and in City-owned lots must display current license plates and sticker at all times.  Vehicles found in violation may be ticketed and/or towed.

What are the parking fine amounts? 

ViolationCity Code Section1st Issued Citation (in 365 day cycle)2nd Issued Citation (in 365 day cycle)3-4 Issued Citations (in 365 day cycle)5 or More Issued Citations (In 365 day cycle)
If Time Expired Citation is Unpaid after 7 daysAdd $5.00 (late fee = $5 + amount of citation)If Time Expired Citation is Unpaid after 30 days Add $10 (late fee = $15 + amount of citation)
PERMIT PARKING33-86$30$35X$45

Contractor/Meter Bag Order Questions

How do I order a meter bag cover?

Applications may be obtained from the Parking Programs Office or by completing the Online Meter Bag Application.  The rental fee of $10 per day per meter head must be paid 24 hours in advance.  Upon application approval, the City will contact you to schedule your meter bag order and secure payment.  After payment, the City will place covers on parking meters for the purpose of temporarily reserving these spaces as a convenience during periods of unusual loading/unloading activities, repairs, remodeling and other like activities.  Meter bag requests not made within 24 hours in advance will be charged a fee of $20 per meter.

Online meter bag rental Application.

What other options are there for contractor/service vehicle parking?

  • Loading zones are located throughout the Downtown and University District for the use of vehicles during the loading and unloading of cargo, merchandise or passengers.  Vehicles in loading zones must be actively engaged in loading and unloading activity.  Commercial loading zones are reserved specifically for use by properly signed commercial vehicles.
  • Permit parking may be available depending on the location, time frame, and availability.  Contact the Parking Programs Office at 217-403-4700 for information.

Visitor Parking Questions

Where can I park when I visit Downtown?

There are four centrally located visitor parking locations where parking is allowed in different time increments up to 10 hours maximum:

  • Hill Street Parking Deck
  • Neil & Washington Lot
  • University & Market Lot (see the Pay Station Guide for instructions on using the pay stations in this lot)
  • North First Street Lot

View these locations on the Parking Maps page.

When do I have to pay the meters?

Payment is required Monday Friday, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.  Parking is FREE all day on Saturdays and Sundays, on City Holidays (see below for a list of City Holidays), and from 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. during the week.  Parking is prohibited at on-street meters and in City lots from 3 a.m. to 5 a.m. for cleaning activities.  Overnight parking is allowed in the Hill Street Parking Deck and in spaces 49-54 at the University & Market Lot.

What are City Holidays?

City Holidays on which parking is free are New Year’s Day, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (Observed), Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.

How much does it cost to park at the meters?

Meter rates vary by location – rates and time limits are posted on each meter.  Parking costs as little as $0.25 per hour on the perimeter of Downtown and never more than $1.00 per hour, even in the busiest areas.  Rates are posted on colored stickers on each meter pole.

What payment methods are available?

  • Meters:  Accept Coins and MobileMeter app.
  • Pay Stations: Two pay stations are located in the University & Market Lot which accept bills, coins, credit or debit (VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express).  To use the pay stations:
    • Note your stall number
    • Proceed to pay station and follow onscreen prompts
    • Keep your receipt and go to your destination
  • Hill Street Parking Deck:  Credit, debit (VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express), QR codes (purchased in the Parking Office), and merchant validated tickets accepted.
  • MobileMeter:  Customers can use the MobileMeter app to pay at City of Champaign parking meters (not available in the Hill Street Parking Deck or at pay stations).
  • Users can download the app for free at  The app is available on iOS and Android phones.
  • Users may also use the website to pay or call 217-207-3033.
  • MobileMeter users can pay for any length of time at the meter, up to the maximum amount of time allowed per the regulation sticker on the meter.
  • There is a $0.35/transaction fee per use.

What is a pay station?

Pay stations are used in the University & Market Lot in place of individual parking meters.  Payment is required to park in the lot and must be submitted into one of the two pay stations for the length of time you will be parked.  View the Pay Station Guide for instructions.

How long can I park?

Before 5 p.m., see the rate/time limit sticker on the meter.  After 5 p.m., at meters with blue labels, you can pay for up to four hours at one time.

Color coded meter labels help you determine where to park depending on your length of stay:

  • Red = 30 minutes or less to grab lunch or a cup of coffee to go
  • Blue = 2-hour maximum for lunch or some light shopping
  • Orange = 3- or 4-hour maximum for a movie or museum visit
  • Green = 10-hour maximum for a day-long meeting or outing Downtown

How do time limits work?

You may park in a time limited parking zone only as long as the meter label indicates or as posted on signs.  In these zones, vehicles may not park on either side of the street for more than two hours in a three-hour period.  You may not simply feed and remain parked at the same meter.  Time limits are enforced in Downtown until 5 p.m. on weekdays.

Permit Parking


I work Downtown.  How do I obtain a permit?

The City offers daytime permit parking at a variety of rates in many different locations.  Permit parking is a great option, costing less than paying a meter daily.  For employees that work irregular hours, other options, such as parking at a $0.25 or $0.50 meter may be less expensive.

The Public Works Department has designated permits for part-time Downtown employees.  The permits are $20 each and can be used in the Washington/Walnut parking lot or the North First Street parking lot.  The permit covers parking between the hours of 3 – 9 p.m. (there is no charge for parking after 9 p.m.).  The permits are good for a one-year period.  The permits may be purchased by businesses to distribute to their employees who meet these particular parameters.  It is the responsibility of the business to manage the permits, i.e., permit numbers should be tracked as to which employee gets which permit.  There is a $20 replacement cost for a lost permit.

Customer service staff in the Parking Programs Office can advise you on the best options for your particular situation – call 217-403-4700 for more information.

Does the City offer one-day parking permits for Downtown?

Although the City does not offer one-day parking permits for Downtown, all-day parking options currently include the Hill Street Parking Deck and the 10-hour meters located in the Neil & Washington Lot and the North First Street Lot.  Parking is allowed for up to nine (9) hours in designated spaces in the University & Market Lot.

I live Downtown.  What are my parking options?

The City offers a limited number of 24/7 resident-only parking permits, with other 24/7 permits also available.  Most of these permits are located in the Hill Street Parking Deck. Downtown Parking Permits are available for purchase by submitting this online Downtown Parking Permit Application or by visiting the Parking Programs Office located at 702 Edgebrook Drive between the hours of 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding City Holidays.  Please contact the Parking Programs Office at 217-403-4700 if you have any questions.

I live Downtown.  What are overnight parking options for my guests?

Overnight parking is available in the Hill Street Parking Deck and in spaces 49-54 in the University & Market Lot.  Parking is not allowed between 3 a.m. to 5 a.m. at on-street meters or in City parking lots due to cleaning activities.

University District Parking


Where can I park when I visit the University District?

Visitors may utilize on-street meters (see the University District Meter Location Map on the Parking Maps page for locations).  There are also 10-hour meters located in the residential area on every block which contains on-street permit parking spaces.  These meters are identified by the green meter label.

Short-term temporary visitor permits are available for metered spaces in the residential area of the University District.  Review additional information and complete the online Short-Term/Temporary permit application.  

  • The City offers a 1- to 4-day temporary permit at a cost of $7.50 per day as well as a 5- to 30-day temporary permit for $35.
  • The temporary permits are non-refundable and non-renewable.
  • Customers need to submit an online Short-Term/Temporary Permit application and provide vehicle information.  Once submitted, a Customer Service Representative will contact you for payment.  
  • Temporary permit sales are also conducted in the Parking Programs Office from Monday – Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., except City Holidays.
  • Spaces are available on a first-come, first-served basis only.

When do I have to pay the meters?

Payment is required Monday – Saturday, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.  Parking is FREE on Sundays, on City Holidays (see below for a complete list of City Holidays), and from 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. during the week.  Parking is prohibited at on-street meters (except for at 10-hour meters in the residential area) from 3 a.m. to 5 a.m. for street cleaning activities.

What are City Holidays?

City Holidays on which parking is free are New Year’s Day, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (Observed), Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day

How much does it cost to park at the meters?

Meter rates in the University District are $0.75 per hour or $1.00 per hour at meters displaying a blue label affixed to the post.

How long can I park?

Meters in the commercial area of the University District are limited to two-hour parking.

How do time limits work?

You may park in a time-limited parking zone only as long as the meter label indicates or as posted on signs.  In these zones, vehicles may not park on either side of the street for more than two hours in a three-hour period.  You may not simply feed and remain parked at the same meter.  Time limits are in effect in the Campus area during the hours of enforcement, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., Monday through Saturday.

University District Questions


I live or work in the University District. What are my parking options?

Both academic year and summer 24/7 assigned space permits are offered in the City of Champaign’s University District.  All Summer spaces are open to the public; there is no residency requirement.  During the Academic Year, residents, people who can verify they live within the boundaries of the District during the term the permit is effective, qualify for on-street permit parking (see this document for details).  Non-residents qualify to park in a limited number of off-street parking lots.  The residency requirement is waived after Labor Day. Rates vary by location. Contact Public Works Customer Service staff at 217-403-4700 for more information on permit parking options.

The University of Illinois also offers permit parking.  Call the Parking Department at 217-333-3530 or visit the University of Illinois Parking Department for more information.

MTD provides transportation throughout the University District as well as the entire Champaign-Urbana area.  University of Illinois students, faculty, and staff ride free with their ID.

Is there an alternative to permit parking?Zip Car zipcard

Yes.  In January 2009, Zipcar introduced car-sharing to Champaign-Urbana.  Car-sharing is a way for people to have access to cars by the hour or by the day without the hassles or cost associated with car ownership.  Go to the Zipcar web site to learn more about this program.  Zipcar is a great option both for people who live or work in the University District.

Members have access to any of the Zipcars in Champaign, Urbana, or on the University of Illinois Campus.  Reservations can be made online for as little as one hour up to three days.  The hourly fee includes gas, maintenance, and insurance.  Standard hourly rates from $12/hr.

What does your parking citation look like?

The City of Champaign, University of Illinois, and City of Urbana all issue citations around the Campus area depending on where your vehicle is parked.  If you do not have a citation with the City of Champaign, you are encouraged to check with the other two entities.

Photos of the different citations are below and clicking on them will take you to the associated website in order to pay your citation.

City of Champaign yellow parking citation

City of Champaign Parking Citation

U of I blue parking ticket

U of I Parking Citation – Contact the U of I at 217-333-3530

City of Urbana orange parking ticket

City of Urbana Parking Citation – Contact Urbana at 217-384-2345