The Public Works Department facility, which includes the Parking Programs Office, is open to the public.  Office hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except for City Holidays. 


Click here to follow Keep Champaign Beautiful on Facebook for up-to-date information about recycling, upcoming events, etc.

Nichole Millage, Environmental Sustainability Specialist
Champaign Public Works Department
702 Edgebrook Drive | Champaign, IL 61820
[email protected]

Recycling and Disposal Opportunities


Click here for information on where to recycle, donate, or dispose of stuff.

City Recycling Programs (and Information about Trash)

The City strongly supports recycling and encourages all citizens to take part in waste reduction.  Citizens may take part by participating in the City’s curbside recycling program or the Multifamily Recycling Program, Feed The Thing.

City ordinances provide for curbside recycling to all citizens who live in single-family residences (any dwelling with one to four units). This service is provided by your solid waste hauler. (There are currently four licensed solid waste haulers that pick up residential trash/recycling in Champaign.) Your trash hauler is required to provide recycling as part of your basic service (they cannot charge extra for recycling) and must accept the following materials:

  • Plastics labeled #1 through #7 (no Styrofoam) (Gently rinse out and dry before tossing into bin.)
  • Corrugated cardboard (ex: boxes, the non-contaminated part of a pizza box, etc.) (No need to remove tape, labels, etc.)
  • Boxboard (ex: cereal, soda, and beer packaging)
  • Beverage carrier stock (ex: bottled beer holders and drink carriers from fast food restaurants)
  • Magazines, catalogs
  • Newspaper and inserts, telephone directories, paperback books
  • Residential mixed paper (mail, computer paper, ledger paper, etc.) (No need to remove staples.)
  • Tin and bi-metal food and beverage cans, empty aerosol cans
  • Aluminum food and beverage cans, foil, and trays (Gently rinse out and dry before tossing into bin.)
  • Food and beverage mixed glass containers (clear, flint, brown, and green) (No need to remove labels.)

Haulers must provide curbside collection of recyclables at least once a week and cannot count materials toward the “per container cost” of service. Citizens interested in participating in the curbside recycling program should call their solid waste hauler.

Some solid waste haulers provide recycling carts, totes, or bins. Renting or buying a recycling cart from your hauler is optional. Your hauler must provide recycling services whether or not you use their recycling cart, tote, or bin. If your solid waste hauler does not provide recycling carts, but you wish to participate in the program, we suggest purchasing one at a local retailer for a moderate price.

Curbside recycling in Champaign is “co-mingled,” meaning all of your recyclables can be mixed together and can go into the same recycling cart, tote, or bin for collection. For more informatiCity of Champaign free 5-gallon recycling bucketon, check out this BROCHURE.

The City provides FREE recycling stickers for carts or totes, as well as FREE five-gallon INDOOR recycling buckets, with a limit of two per resident.  You simply put your recyclables into this bucket, and when the bucket is full, you empty the collected recyclables into your outdoor bin!  The stickers and buckets are available in the front lobby of  Public Works, 702 Edgebrook Drive, between 7:30 a.m. and 4:20 p.m., Monday through Friday, except City Holidays.

You can request stickers by calling 217-403-4780 or sending an email to [email protected] (please provide your name and address).


The City’s multifamily recycling program, Feed The Thing, serves residences with five or more units and all shared housing, including fraternities and sororities.  The City provides free blue 95-gallon containers for participating buildings.

Visit for more information on acceptable/unacceptable materials, printable, educational resources, program announcements, and press releases.City of Champaign free 5-gallon recycling bucket

The City provides FREE five-gallon indoor kitchen buckets, limit of two per resident.  The buckets are available in the front lobby of  Public Works, 702 Edgebrook Drive, between 7:30 a.m. and 4:20 p.m., Monday through Friday, except City Holidays.  If those hours do not work for you, please call 217-403-4780 or send an email to [email protected] for more information.

A fee of $2.70 per month per residential unit (apartment) has been assessed to the property owner to cover the cost of the program.  For group housing such as fraternities and sororities, the fee is $1.35 per resident, based on the capacity of the facility.

Please contact the City’s Environmental Sustainability Specialist, Nichole Millage, at 217-403-4780 for more information, or send an email to [email protected].

HOURS: The City does not enforce trash/recycling hauler hours, meaning there is no City ordinance regarding hauler hours; they can start collecting at whatever time they choose.  With that said, if you are having issues with noise or haulers being disruptive (or any other hauler issues), you can contact the City’s Environmental Sustainability Specialist, Nichole Millage, at 217-403-4780 or send an email to [email protected].

HAULERS: Champaign City ordinance requires every household to sign up for weekly solid waste pick-up. All solid waste (trash, recyclables, etc.) collection in the City of Champaign is handled by licensed private solid waste haulers.  (Burning and the accumulation of garbage are prohibited in Champaign.)  Hauler licenses are issued by the City Clerk.  Contact the haulers for pricing.  There are currently FOUR solid waste haulers offering this service.  If you live in a single-family residence (one to four units), please see the corresponding tab above for single-family recycling information, and if you live in a multifamily residence (five or more units), please see the corresponding tab above for multifamily recycling information.  (Trash materials can also be taken to the Solid Waste Transfer Station located at 915 W. Saline Dr. in Urbana.  The transfer station’s phone number is 217-384-2274.  There is a drop-off fee for all materials.)

The haulers listed below can be found in the yellow pages and are currently licensed to haul in Champaign:

1. ABC Sanitary Hauling, 217-356-0909
2. GFL Environmental, Inc. (f/k/a Area Disposal Service, Inc.), 1-888-895-8696 or 217-893-3675 (you can drop off old, unwanted Area toters to 4808 N. Cunningham, Urbana.)
3. Illini Recycling, 217-356-0648
4. Republic Services, 217-367-2278

No longer doing residential weekly garbage hauling in the City of Champaign:
– Hayden Sanitary (acquired by GFL Environmental on 6/1/22)
– Shaffer’s Sanitary Co. (acquired by GFL Environmental on 3/1/23)
– Waste Management (f/k/a Advanced Disposal) (divested by GFL Environmental on 6/1/22)

The City of Champaign does not have a commercial trash/recycling program; however, several private haulers operating in the City of Champaign offer commercial trash and/or recycling options to businesses. Businesses should contact one of those private haulers to set up trash and/or recycling and obtain pricing for the service as haulers set their own trash and recycling collection rates. There are a variety of services offered by the different haulers, ranging from cardboard only collection to co-mingled recycling collection.

Haulers that Offer Business Recycling Services in Champaign
(The following list is not intended to constitute company endorsements. Please call the haulers to confirm services.)

ABC Sanitary
They offer commercial trash and recycling services, including weekly collection services. They also offer roll-off and dumpster services.

GFL Environmental, Inc. (f/k/a Area Disposal Service and Peoria Disposal Company)
They offer commercial trash and recycling services, including weekly collection services. They also offer roll-off and dumpster services.

Illini Recycling*
They offer weekly trash and recycling services but only with their 95-gallon containers – no dumpsters. They also offer roll-off dumpster services.
*They are also a construction and demolition recycling facility.
*They also operate a public recycling drop-off site.

Midwest Fiber Recycling
They offer recycling services only, including weekly collection services.

Republic Services, a/k/a Allied Waste
They offer trash and recycling services, including weekly collection services. They also offer roll-off and dumpster services.


The City co-hosts a bi-annual Champaign County Residential Electronics Collection Event (typically in May and October).  Residents are required to register in order to participate.  For more details (including event dates), please visit the online registration websiteThese events are the only way for residents to get rid of old TVs for free in the C-U area!

Additionally, there are local recyclers that will accept your old electronics (with the exception of TVs) for drop off throughout the year:

Best Buy

2117 N. Prospect Ave., Champaign*
(Best Buy is currently the ONLY establishment accepting TVs of any kind for recycling in the C-U area; limit of 2 TVs per household per day; tube TVs 31″ or smaller; flat-panel TVs: LCD plasma, & LED 49″ or smaller for $29.99 each.)

912 W. Anthony Dr., Champaign

1201 Savoy Plaza Ln., Savoy

Mack’s Twin City Recycling

2808 N. Lincoln Ave., Urbana

Mervis Recycling

2008 Cunningham Ave., Urbana


2005 N. Prospect Ave., Champaign

REGARDING TVs: At the bi-annual collection events, there is a four (4) TV limit per person (no cost!); all sizes, types, and models of TVs will be accepted, including CRT tube TVs.  There is a seven (7) item total limit.  Please visit the online registration website for a complete list of accepted and non-accepted items.

City staff will continue to work with our government partners to find alternative methods and locations for recycling electronics (specifically TVs) and other items.  Any questions can be directed to the City’s Environmental Sustainability Specialist, Nichole Millage, at 217-403-4780 or [email protected].

As of January 1, 2012, local waste haulers no longer accept 17 categories of electronic items listed below with your regular trash collection, as these have been banned from Illinois landfills. For more information on the state ban, visit

Electronic Items Banned from Illinois Landfills:

  • Televisions
  • Monitors
  • Printers
  • Computers (laptops, notebooks, netbooks, tablets)
  • Electronic keyboards
  • Facsimile (fax) machines
  • Videocassette recorders (VCRs)
  • Digital video disc players (DVD players)
  • Digital video recorders (DVR)
  • Video game consoles
  • Small scale servers
  • Scanners
  • Electronic mice
  • Digital converter boxes
  • Cable receivers
  • Satellite receivers
  • Portable digital music players

Electronics were banned from Illinois landfills on January 2012. Many electronic products contain toxic lead, mercury, cadmium, and other materials that pose environmental and health risks that must be managed. Many electronic items contain metals, plastics, or leaded glass that can be recycled into basic commodities or products, and then re-marketed for re-use. The re-use of these components conserves natural resources and energy, and contributes to reduced air and water pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

The City co-hosts an annual Household Hazardous Waste Collection in Champaign County (typically in the Spring or Summer).  These events are open to all State of Illinois residents; however, residents are required to register in order to participate.  For more details, including event dates, please visit the online registration website.  If you need assistance registering, please call 217-403-4780.

The next America Recycles Day litter clean-up event will take place in October 2024.  Please visit the America Recycles Day webpage for more info.

For more information about Keep Champaign Beautiful, visit the KCB webpage

Frogs sitting on a Recycling is Cool log

It’s easy being green – Check below to stay in the know…


Illini Recycling
420 Paul Ave, Champaign (drop-off containers located on south side)
For more information about accepted items, please visit Illini Recycling’s website.


PLEASE NOTE: There is currently no free public drop-off center in Champaign-Urbana that accepts glass.  (For City of Champaign residents, food and beverage mixed glass containers are accepted in the City’s single-family curbside recycling program, as well as the City’s multifamily recycling program, Feed The Thing.)

Residents who live outside of Champaign city limits who want to recycle glass should try contacting the available solid waste haulers in their area to see if they offer trash and recycling services that fit their needs.

Make sure you do your homework!  Here are 15 questions you should ask yourself first.

There is also a group-buy program available called Solar Urbana-Champaign.!  This program restarts every Spring or Summer (and typically ends at the end of October or November).  Homeowners and commercial property owners throughout Champaign, Piatt, and Vermilion counties may participate in the program to help pool their buying power to secure significant discounts that make installing solar more affordable.  (This is on top of a 30-percent federal tax credit, as well as SREC (solar renewable energy certificates) incentives!)  They host info-sharing ‘solar power hours’ and answer all of your questions and concerns, and then follow up with a free assessment.

The City of Champaign encourages residents to utilize reusable bags whenever possible.  The City will even provide you with a free reusable canvas bag!  The bags are available in the front lobby of  Public Works, 702 Edgebrook Drive, between 7:30 a.m. and 4:20 p.m., Monday through Friday, except City Holidays.

City of Champaign free reusable canvas bagThe City also provides FREE recycling stickers for carts or totes, as well as FREE five-gallon INDOOR recycling buckets (limit of two per resident).  The stickers and buckets are available in the front lobby of  Public Works, 702 Edgebrook Drive, between 7:30 a.m. and 4:20 p.m., Monday through Friday, except City Holidays.

You can request stickers be mailed to you by calling 217-403-4780 -OR- sending an email to the City’s Environmental Sustainability Specialist, Nichole Millage, at [email protected] (please provide your name and address).

The City co-hosts an annual One-Day IEPA-Sponsored Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Event in Champaign County (typically held in the Spring or Summer).  These events are open to all State of Illinois residents; however, residents are required to register in order to participate.  For more details (including event dates), please visit the online registration website.  If you need assistance registering, please call 217-403-4780.

Unfortunately, there is no local permanent drop-off site for residents for HHW; however, there are long-term HHW collection sites in Northern IL, as well as other events held in other counties.

Champaign County Environmental Stewards (CCES)

CCES is a non-profit community organization focused on providing safe and convenient disposal options to area residents for household materials that may pose potential health or environmental problems.  For more information regarding CCES and their efforts, you can visit CCES’ Facebook page.

Long-Term HHW Collection Sites in Illinois

Long-term household hazardous waste collection sites are available in Naperville, Chicago, Rockford, and Lake County. Links to each site, which include accepted items and hours of operation, can be found by visiting the Illinois EPA Long-Term Collection Facility page.  You can also visit that link to find information about one-day collections which are held periodically throughout the year in IEPA-selected communities.

Tips for Paint Disposal/Donation

Staff receives numerous inquiries regarding paint disposal. Oil-based paint is accepted at the annual Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Events; however, latex/water-based paint is NOT toxic, and therefore, it is NOT accepted at the HHW Collection Events.  Options for disposal/donation:

  • Give it away!  For excess amounts of paint (or paint thinner), the City recommends contacting school theatre departments to see if it can be used for props.  One option: Champaign-Urbana Theatre Company has been known to accept latex paint donations if the can is at least half full.  Email ([email protected]) or call (217-352-4085) for more information.  Or ask around (use social media if that’s your thing) and you may find somebody who needs to paint a small area.
  • Use an absorbent!  Paint (and paint thinner) can also be mixed with materials such as cat litter, sand, paint hardener or absorber, or poured onto newspaper and be allowed to dry.  Once the paint (or paint thinner) has dried, all materials can be disposed of in the garbage.  These methods work for latex/water-based and oil-based paints.
  • Store it for later!  Everyone has good intentions to use half-filled paint cans for “touch ups” that never come.  Also, many people have saved paint that becomes unusable over time before it’s called into action.  If you do save your paint for later, follow some easy tips to make the paint last longer.  Just cover the opening with plastic wrap, and make sure the lid fits securely so the paint doesn’t leak.  Then turn the paint can upside down!  This creates a tight seal, and keeps the paint fresh to use again.

Commercial HHW Disposal Regulations

Commercial organizations are covered by different regulations and should call the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency for current disposal requirements. (IEPA contact: Tom Hubbard, email: [email protected] or phone: 1-217-524-3286)

Safer substitutes to many common household chemicals do exist.  The US EPA’s Safer Choice website  provides a searchable database of products which perform well and are safer for human health.  Safer substitutes to many common household chemicals do exist.

The City of Champaign does not currently have any paper shredding events planned.  However, there are typically several year-round options available in the Champaign County area:

PRO TIP: If you shred paper at home and you want to recycle it in your curbside bin, please make sure the shredded paper is in a clear bag (or a brown paper bag that has “Shredded Paper” written on it), so the recycling facility can easily identify it.

Licensed Commercial Hauler Reporting