702 Edgebrook Drive | Champaign, IL 61820
[email protected]
In the City of Champaign, a “commercial hauler”, a person who charges a fee for collecting and transporting municipal waste, landscape waste, or recyclable materials for ultimate disposal at a site other than the site where such waste is situated, must fill out an Application for Commercial Hauler License by August 1 of every year. There is a $100.00 fee per (municipal waste, landscape waste, and recyclable materials) vehicle per year. The application needs to be turned into the City’s Finance Department, 102 N. Neil St., Champaign; for questions, call 217-403-8940.
Starting on January 1, 2017, all licensed haulers that collect weekly residential garbage/recycling from single family residences (1-4 units) in the City of Champaign are required to collect, at a minimum, the following recyclable materials from residences with one to four units –
- Plastics labeled #1 through #7 (no Styrofoam)
- Corrugated cardboard (ex: boxes, the non-contaminated part of a pizza box, etc.)
- Boxboard (ex: cereal, soda, and beer packaging)
- Beverage carrier stock (ex: bottled beer holders and drink carriers from fast food restaurants)
- Magazines, catalogs
- Newspaper and inserts, telephone directories, paperback books
- Residential mixed paper (mail, computer paper, ledger paper, etc.)
- Tin and bi-metal food and beverage cans, empty aerosol cans
- Aluminum food and beverage cans, foil, and trays
- Food and beverage mixed glass containers (clear, flint, brown, and green)
To ensure all haulers are complying with the recycling requirement, a quarterly report is required, detailing how much of each recyclable material was collected, as well as how much municipal solid waste, and landscape waste was collected by each hauler.
The quarterly form must be completed by the last business day of the month following the end of the quarter. This is a condition of the City of Champaign hauler license. Failing to report this information may result in fines, or even suspension or revocation of the license for repeated violations.
The Quarterly Recycling Reporting form can be accessed below. This is a fillable PDF form that can be downloaded, filled out, saved, and emailed to [email protected]. Please note that one form is now being used rather than individual quarterly forms. Simply make sure to mark at the top of the form which quarter you are reporting.
If you have questions regarding changes to the recycling or reporting requirements, please contact Nichole at 217-403-4780 or by email at [email protected].