Neighborhood Registry

Registered neighborhoods consist of various types of volunteer-led neighborhood organizations that establish an ongoing partnership with the City, through a formal registration process, to address neighborhood quality of life concerns. By participating in the City’s Neighborhood Registration Program, these organizations are able to access additional City services for their neighborhoods. Registered neighborhood organizations represent the common interests of their neighbors. In so doing, they assume leadership responsibility for building relationships with and among their neighbors, the City and the community to realize their quality of life goals. Registered neighborhoods provide the essential link between the City and neighborhoods throughout the community for promoting neighborhood wellness and providing responsive, neighborhood-based City services.

Please take the time to find out more about our registered neighborhood organizations by using the links below:

Homeowner Associations (HOA)

Lakeowner Associations (LOA)

Neighborhood Associations

Neighborhood Watch Groups


Interested in organizing a registered neighborhood?

We can help! Please contact the Neighborhood Services Department-Neighborhood Relations Division at 217-403-7070.