Neighborhood Watch Groups
Neighborhood Watch is the foundation of crime prevention programs nationwide. It revolves around the active citizen cooperation with law enforcement to prevent and eliminate crime within a neighborhood. Neighborhood Watch groups are essential to Police-neighborhood partnerships for addressing crime in the city of Champaign. Some Neighborhood Watch groups also work with the City’s Neighborhood Services Department to address other neighborhood concerns beyond crime. The leadership of these groups typically consists of a captain and co-captain. Group boundaries must include a minimum of 10 homes. At least 50% of the households within the Group’s boundaries must be active participants. The groups have to conduct at least two meetings annually. Meetings must include staff from the Police Department and/or Neighborhood Services.
The following Neighborhood Watch groups are registered with the City.
Contact: Mittendorf Drive Neighborhood Association
1406 Mittendorf Dr, Champaign, Il 61820
Contact: North Willis Neighborhood Group
914 W Columbia Ave, Champaign, IL 61821
Contact” Providence Thornberry Association
3707 Colleen Dr, Apt 101, Champaign, IL 61822
Contact: South Ridgeway Neighborhood Watch
509 S Ridgeway Ave, Champaign, IL 61821
Contact: South Willis Area Neighborhood
511 S Willis, Champaign, IL 61821