In Champaign, the cable television, electrical, gas, telephone, trash, and water services are all owned and operated by private companies. The following list is provided as a courtesy to facilitate contacting the companies that operate these utilities:
Several cable television and internet providers offer services to Champaign residents. Residents are encouraged to research companies before selecting a provider.
Ameren Illinois is the only company that delivers electricity to Champaign residents (Ameren Illinois, 800-755-5000). However, there are many retail electric suppliers who supply electricity. Residents may choose to receive their supply from Ameren or another provider, residents are encouraged to research before choosing a supplier. Visit this page on the Ameren site for more details.
Several telephone companies provide services to Champaign residents. Residents are encouraged to research providers before selecting a telephone company.
Illinois American Water Company is the only provider of water to Champaign residents. They can be contacted by using the information below.
Illinois-American Water Company, 217-352-1420
Residents are required by Illinois State Law to contact JULIE (Joint Utility Locating Information for Excavators) before doing any digging. A JULIE locator will visit your property to mark the underground utilities.
J.U.L.I.E., 8-1-1
Notify JULIE if you are doing any of the following projects:
Wastewater for Champaign residents is managed by Urbana-Champaign Sanitary District. Champaign residents are required to contact UCSD in order to secure wastewater treatment.
Urbana-Champaign Sanitary District, 217-367-3409
Champaign City ordinance requires every household to sign up for weekly solid waste pick-up. All solid waste (trash, recyclables, etc.) collection in the City of Champaign is handled by private solid waste haulers who are licensed. Licenses are issued by the City Clerk. (Contact the haulers for pricing. There are currently FOUR solid waste haulers offering this service.) The haulers listed below can be found in the yellow pages and are currently licensed to haul in Champaign:
1. ABC Sanitary Hauling, 217-356-0909
2. GFL Environmental, Inc. (f/k/a Area Disposal Service, Inc.), 1-888-895-8696 or 217-893-3675 (you can drop off old, unwanted Area toters to 4808 N. Cunningham, Urbana.)
3. Illini Recycling, 217-356-0648
4. Republic Services, 217-367-2278