Subdivision Regulations

Subdivision Regulations concern the dividing of tracts of land in the City and within 1.5 miles of the City limits. The Subdivision Regulations are Chapter 31 of the City Code. Technical standards are published in the Manual of Practice to support the Subdivision Regulations.

Manual of Practice

The Manual of Practice is the City’s technical standard for preparation of plats and design documents and is also the standard for construction of public infrastructure that is under the City’s jurisdiction. The primary users of this Manual are architects, engineers, planners, and other design professionals who are designing private developments and public infrastructure. This is also used by contractors and developers in the course of their work.


Among other things, the manual covers the technical aspects of plat preparation, bonding, construction plan preparation, vehicular access control policies, NPDES Phase II requirements, street tree requirements, existing ROW (Right-of-Way) construction requirements, and design and construction standards for all major City infrastructure systems.

The Manual of Practice is an administrative document. Items in the Manual can be waived and revised administratively if certain burdens of proof are met. The City Engineer or Planning Director (as appropriate), together with the City Attorney, must approve such revisions and notify the Plan Commission of the change. A form is included in the front of the manual to request revisions. Excluding emergency items, any revision requests will be filed and processed once per year.

Table of Contents

All documents in the Manual of Practice are provided in PDF format.  You can select individual chapters from the table below.