Neighborhood Registration

Start a New Group

Organized neighborhood groups are essential to fostering healthy community throughout the City.  Filling out the application below to create a neighborhood group…it’s a great way to get to know your neighbors and better the community while encouraging residents to take an active role in organizing their neighborhoods. The City of Champaign provides technical and financial assistance to neighborhood groups including mailings, organization, leadership, and service project assistance, and additional assistance to help define and solve neighborhood issues and problems.  

Benefits for registered neighborhood groups include:

  • REGISTERED groups may apply for neighborhood small grants;
  • REGISTERED groups may request one mailing per year to all members within their neighborhood group boundaries;
  • REGISTERED groups receive technical assistance from City staff to help with group member retention and outreach efforts; and more!

Complete the form below to register your neighborhood association/group.

  • Geographic Boundaries of the Association/Group

  • Membership and Contact Information

    At least two (2) primary contacts are required. Groups not providing two (2) primary contacts will not be registered.
  • Primary Associate/Group Contact

  • Alternate Association/Group Contact

  • Additional Association/Group Leader Contacts

    List additional primary leader contacts, officers, board members, etc. Be sure to include their name, address and email. If email is not included, contacts will not receive information and updates sent to the leaders email listserv. Separate entries with a semicolon (;) or period (.).
  • Neighborhood Group Member Roster

    List the names of the neighbors within your neighborhood group boundaries who have agreed to organize as a group and register with the City. Typically 5-10 neighbors besides group leaders should be listed to ensure neighborhood buy-in for forming the registered group. Separate entries with a semicolon (;) or period (.).
  • Public Method of Contact

    REQUIRED: Provide at least one (1) public method of contact to be posted on the City's online registry. Enter N/A for methods not provided.
  • Find Group on Social Media (optional)

  • Other Neighborhood Participants (optional)

    Please include churches, schools, recreation centers, etc. Separate entries with a semicolon (;) or period (.).
  • Additional Organizing Information

  • Neighborhood Watch

    If your neighborhood plans on organizing mainly around security and safety issues, consider becoming a Neighborhood Watch Group. Please check the box below and the Neighborhood Services Department will send you information specific to the Neighborhood Watch Program.