Filing an ADA Grievance Against the City

Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) states, in part, that “no otherwise qualified disabled individual shall, solely, by reason of such disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination” in programs or activities sponsored by the City.  The City of Champaign strives to comply with the requirements of the American with Disabilities Act in all City facilities, activities, programs and services.  Upon request, the City can provide auxiliary aids and services to persons with disabilities at no charge.

If a person feels the City of Champaign has violated their rights under the ADA, they may file a grievance against the City.  Below is the City’s procedure for processing complaints of alleged violations of Title II of the ADA.

Who Can Make a Complaint?

Any person or complainant (including City employees) who feel that their ADA rights have been violated may file a grievance against the City of Champaign.

Complaint Time Frame

A complaint should be filed within fourteen (14) business days after the complainant becomes aware of the alleged violation. In City employment matters, applicable grievance procedures will be followed.

Making a Complaint

Complaints can be made verbally or in writing to the City’s ADA Coordinator or to a City department head. If the complaint is made verbally, the ADA Coordinator or the City department head shall reduce the complaint to writing. If the complaint is made to a department head, he/she shall gather all information relative to the complaint and forward the information gathered to the ADA Coordinator. The complaint shall contain at least the following information: name, address and phone number of complainant; a brief description of the complaint; requested or suggested relief; and the date of the complaint.


Upon receipt of the complaint, the ADA Coordinator shall review the information and determine whether any additional information is needed. If further information is required, the ADA Coordinator shall request the information within a period of time, not to exceed fourteen (14) calendar days. Once all the information is received, the ADA Coordinator will carefully investigate the allegation.

Updates to Complainant

The ADA Coordinator shall regularly update the complainant as to the status of the complaint.  This communication will take place either by phone or in writing at least once every two weeks while the complaint is pending.

Recommended Disposition

The ADA Coordinator will then review the allegation with the Community Relations Manager/Compliance Officer of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Division. They will jointly determine the allegation and issue a written disposition of the complaint.

Complainant Informed of Disposition

The disposition of the complaint shall be reduced to writing and communicated at a meeting between the complainant and the ADA Coordinator.  The disposition shall inform the complainant that he/she may request that the City Manager review the disposition.  Such request to be made within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the disposition by the complainant.  If the disposition refers to activities to take place in the future, the ADA Coordinator will inform the complainant at the time the corrective measures have been fully implemented.

City Manager Review

If requested, the City Manager will review the disposition of the complaint. Any such request to review shall be made within fourteen (14) calendar days after the disposition was provided to the complainant.

Investigation Time Frames

The time frames in the above procedure shall be adhered to unless the Community Relations Manager/Compliance Officer allows an extension of the times due to unusual or unforeseen circumstances. In the event the time frame is extended, the Community Relations Manager/Compliance Officer will notify the ADA Coordinator, who in turn will notify the complainant.