How to Report Allegations of Government Fraud, Waste, or Abuse
Frequently Asked Questions
Fraud, for purposes of this reporting process, is an intentional act of deceit or dishonesty, or misrepresentation of a material fact, by which a benefit is obtained from the municipality, or where a benefit is obtained because of an individual’s duties or functions within the municipality. Fraud may also include an omission or purposeful failure to state material facts, when nondisclosure makes other statements misleading. Fraud can take many forms, such as bribery, forgery, theft, corruption, conspiracy, misappropriation of funds or resources, false representation, concealment of material facts, and collusion. Fraud may also involve misuse of municipal time or assets, or other situations in which non-monetary benefits are obtained. Falsifying an invoice or travel voucher to obtain reimbursement from the City for expenses that were not incurred, or that do not relate to City business, is an example of fraud.
Waste generally involves inappropriate management of government resources or funds that causes taxpayers not to receive reasonable value for their money in connection with government-funded activities.
Abuse includes misuse of governmental authority or position for personal financial benefit or the benefit of an immediate or close family member or business associate.
Fraud, waste, and abuse may or may not involve violations of the law.
The City of Champaign will accept allegations of fraud, waste, and abuse involving the City, the Champaign Public Library, the Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District (CUMTD), the City of Champaign Township, and the officers and employees of these entities.
The City will NOT accept allegations of fraud, waste, or abuse related to the following:
- The State of Illinois
- State agencies
- Courts, justices, or judges
- The State legislature
- Other units of local government, including:
- Counties and county boards
- Other cities
- Villages
- Road districts
- School districts and school boards
- The Federal government
- Private companies, unless the private company has a contract or financial relationship with the City, the CUMTD, or the City of Champaign Township, and the allegation involves matters related to that contract or financial relationship.
Anyone who is part of, or interacts with, the City of Champaign, the Champaign Public Library, the CUMTD, or the City of Champaign Township, may submit relevant information. This includes employees of the City of Champaign, the CUMTD, and the City of Champaign Township, as well as the public.
- Complete the Fraud, Waste and Abuse Reporting Form below.
- E-mail [email protected] with a description of the allegation. Please see the Fraud, Waste and Abuse Reporting Form below for help gathering your information.
- Call the City of Champaign Legal Department at 217-403-8765 during business hours, Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, and ask to speak to an attorney.
- Send a written report via the U.S. Postal Service to: Fraud, Waste and Abuse Reporting, City of Champaign Legal Department, 102 N. Neil St., Champaign, IL 61820
No. The City of Champaign Legal Department reviews all information submitted, even anonymously, to determine whether the issue falls within our jurisdiction and whether follow-up action is appropriate. You may report allegations anonymously using any of the above means. However, if you choose not to identify yourself, the ability to follow up on your allegations may be limited.
Not necessarily. Your identity may be revealed to persons outside the City for investigative purposes. The City Legal Department may refer allegations of fraud, waste, or abuse to the appropriate human resources department, as well as law enforcement authorities or other investigatory entities with jurisdiction over the alleged fraud, waste or abuse.
Whistleblower protections may be available to you if your identity is revealed and you suffer retaliation as a result of your allegation. However, you may wish to withhold identifying information if you believe referral to another agency may jeopardize you in some way.
Please note that if you submit a report, you may or may not be contacted to provide additional information. However, the City will not contact reporting parties to report the results of a fraud, waste, or abuse investigation.
The City Legal Department is not a law enforcement agency. If you believe you have evidence of a crime, you should report your information to local law enforcement or the Champaign County State’s Attorney’s Office.
Please note that the City Legal Department cannot give legal advice to individuals reporting allegations of fraud, waste or abuse.