MCORE Project 4 – Springfield Avenue at Wright Street Detours
On Monday, August 3, the Multimodal Corridor Enhancement Project (MCORE) will begin the installation of storm sewer across Springfield Avenue at Wright Street. Starting August 3, 2020, the west leg of the intersection of Springfield Avenue and Wright Street will be closed to allow for the storm sewer installation across Springfield Avenue. Westbound Springfield Avenue […]
MCORE Project 4 – Wright Street and Green Street Westbound Traffic Detour
On Tuesday, July 7, the Multimodal Corridor Enhancement Project (MCORE) will begin reconstructing the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Wright Street and Green Street. Starting July 7, 2020, the intersection of Wright Street and Green Street will be closed to westbound through traffic to allow for the reconstruction of pavement in the intersection. Westbound […]
MCORE Project 4 – Chalmers Street Road Closure (between Sixth Street and Wright Street)
On Tuesday, May 26, 2020, the Multimodal Corridor Enhancement Project (MCORE) will close the block of Chalmers Street between Sixth Street and Wright Street to facilitate the reconstruction of this entire block (street pavement, street lighting, etc.). This closure is scheduled to reopen in August 2020. Additional updates will be provided as the project progresses. […]
MCORE Project 4 – Temporary Closure of an Intersection (Wright Street and Green Street)
On Wednesday, April 1, 2020, the Multimodal Corridor Enhancement Project (MCORE) will begin reconstructing the intersection of Wright Street and Green Street, weather permitting. Starting April 1, 2020, the intersection of Wright Street and Green Street will be closed to east – west through traffic to allow for the reconstruction of the pavement within the […]
MCORE Project 4 – Closure of the West Leg of Chalmers Street at Wright Street
On Monday, August 26, 2019, the Multimodal Corridor Enhancement Project (MCORE) will close the west leg of Chalmers Street at Wright Street to reconstruct the western half of the intersection. Northbound Wright Street traffic will need to continue north on Wright Street. Eastbound Chalmers Street traffic will not have access to Wright Street. Work is […]
Staff & Consultants Present “The MCORE Story” at APWA Conference
Assistant City Engineer Chris Sokolowski joined Jay Rank, Planner with the Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District, and consultants Clark Dietz and Hanson Professional Services to present “The MCORE Story” at the 2019 American Public Works Association Illinois Chapter Conference in Peoria on Thursday, May 2. The presentation included an overview of the MCORE projects as well […]
City Receives Two Project of the Year Awards
The City of Champaign was recognized by the American Public Works Association Illinois Chapter with two Awards for 2019 Project of the Year. The first was awarded for the Phase 2 West Washington Street Drainage Improvements Project, which won in the environmental category for projects with a budget of $5M to $25M. The second project […]
MCORE Project 4 – Closure of the South Leg of Sixth and Armory
On Monday, March 18, 2019, the Multimodal Corridor Enhancement Project (MCORE) will close the southern portion of the intersection of Sixth Street at Armory Avenue to facilitate the installation of water main and storm sewer. Sixth Street is anticipated to be reopened by Saturday, March 23. Southbound Sixth Street traffic will need to turn left […]
MCORE Project Update – Project 2 (Green St. – Third St. to Fourth St.)
MCORE Project Update – Project 2 (Green St. – Third St. to Fourth St.) The City of Champaign and its contractor, Duce Construction, continue to make progress on Project 2 as previously stated in an August 13 press release, however there is one update: The reopening of Green Street between Third Street and Fourth Street […]
Green Street Reopening and Temporary Road Closure Announcement
On Friday, December 15, 2017 (by 3:30 p.m.), the Multimodal Corridor Enhancement Project (MCORE) will reopen Green Street between Neil Street and Fourth Street. Some construction activities will occur over the winter and into 2018 as temperatures allow. This work includes: street lighting; streetscape items such as pavers in parkway, bike loops, and landscaping; and […]