Kenwood Road
Property Maintenance Inspector Tim Spear has been working with the owner of 715 Kenwood on housing issues. The owner is under an extension agreement to have all violations corrected by September 16, 2014. As part of this extension agreement, the owner agreed to demolish an old shed on the property. As of September 12, 2014 […]
May Service Requests
Citizens and City staff submitted 348 total requests during May 2014. May’s count increased by 32 calls compared to April’s 316. The chart below tracks the number of requests recorded each day by staff. Citizens using the mobile phone application, SeeClickFix, reported 46 (13.2%) of the service issues. The Forestry Section received 75 (22%) of […]
Mittendorf Neighborhood Group
John Ruffin, Neighborhood Coordinator, and Cliff Peete, Property Maintenance Inspector, met with the residents along Mittendorf Street in North Champaign on May 1, 2014 to discuss their concerns related to code compliance issues and the transitioning neighborhood. Cliff responded to the code concerns immediately by contacting one of the new homeowners to inform them of […]