Property Maintenance Inspector Tim Spear has been working with the owner of 715 Kenwood on housing issues. The owner is under an extension agreement to have all violations corrected by September 16, 2014. As part of this extension agreement, the owner agreed to demolish an old shed on the property. As of September 12, 2014 the shed was demolished and the rubble was being removed from the lot.
This same property owner also owns the property at 705 Kenwood. There was a fire at the house on this property in June of 2014. In discussing the case at 715 Kenwood, Inspector Spear indicated that a notice would be issued for the fire damaged property at 705 Kenwood. The property manager stated that he planned to demolish the house at the same time as the shed at 715 Kenwood was demolished. As of September 12, 2014, the demolition of 705 Kenwood has started.
You may recall that these properties were also the site of abandoned mobile homes in the past. The removal of the mobile homes and the demolition of the house and shed are improvements to the neighborhood.