Ameren Illinois Sanitary Sewer Televising
Ameren Illinois will be conducting sewer inspections to identify and correct any potential cross bore hazards involving natural gas lines. Usually, these inspections take place by inserting a camera into the sewer main. Occasionally, the sewer main is not accessible and Ameren’s contractor may need to access the sewer line from inside the home. The […]
Garden Hills Overnight Construction (Garden Hills Drive and Joanne Lane)
As part of the Garden Hills Drainage Improvements project, Duce construction will be working extended overnight hours (10 p.m. to 7 a.m.) to complete storm sewer construction underneath the Norfolk Southern railroad tracks. Work will be confined within City and railroad right-of-way in the general vicinity of the 1700 block of Garden Hills Drive and […]
City of Champaign Recognized for Equitable ARPA Spending
The City of Champaign has been recognized as an innovative national leader for how it used federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to advance equity in a multiyear study conducted by the Institute on Race, Power and Political Economy (Institute) at The New School. The City of Champaign’s ARPA investment strategy is highlighted by […]
Neighborhood Services Hosts Block Party in Hedge POP! Park
On October 10, Neighborhood Services hosted a block party in connection with the Garden Hills Groundbreaking Ceremony. The block party served as one last engagement in the park, which will be removed to allow drainage improvements for the Garden Hills Neighborhood. The event included a DJ, food, a bounce house and a touch-a-truck display featuring […]
City of Champaign Breaks Ground on $35 Million Garden Hills Infrastructure Improvement Project
Transformative Project to Manage Stormwater and Provide New Neighborhood Park On October 10, 2023, the City of Champaign held a groundbreaking celebration to kick off construction of Phase Two of the Garden Hills Drainage Improvements Project. The ceremony was held at Hedge POP! Park and was preceded by remarks from elected officials, City officials, and […]
Neighborhood Services Hosts Game Night in Hedge POP! Park
On Thursday, July 13, 2023, Neighborhood Services hosted a game night in Hedge POP! Park. Game nights are hosted in various parks throughout Champaign to encourage residents to gather outside for an evening of fun and engagement with one another. The Hedge POP! Park game nights are part of a series of events planned through […]
43:43:43 Neighborhood Engagement: United Garden Hills Neighborhood Association
The United Garden Hills Neighborhood Association (UGHNA) met on Monday, April 17, 2023, to discuss neighborhood concerns and plan engagement activities. Representatives from the Champaign Police Department provided a crime data update for the neighborhood, and highlighted steps they plan to take to address pop-up parties and noise issues in the area. Additionally, staff from […]
Garden Hills Streetlighting Project Construction Starts February 13, 2023
Work on the City’s Garden Hills Streetlighting Project is scheduled to begin on February 13, 2023. Crews from Champaign Signal and Lighting (CSL) will begin by installing underground conduit throughout the Garden Hills neighborhood, to be followed by the installation of light pole foundations and other related streetlighting infrastructure. Installation of light poles will begin […]
Hedge POP! Park Featured by American Planning Association
The American Planning Association is a not-for-profit professional association for planners and has over 40,000 members. The APA recently took note of the City’s efforts with the Hedge POP! Park and sought to have the effort featured as part of their Equity in Practice series. The blog post features the experience of the City in […]
Neighborhood Youth Provide Input on Future Park Space for Garden Hills
Staff from Planning and Development, Neighborhood Services, and the Public Works Departments recently visited Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Church in the Garden Hills Neighborhood to work with the Youth Group. As a continuation from last week’s design session held at Hedge POP! Park, City staff engaged the youth with a “Build Your Own Park” activity, […]