Items tagged: Prospect Avenue

Prospect Avenue Lane Closure (just south of Church Street)

In order to reinstall the traffic signal cabinet at the southwest corner of Prospect Avenue and Church Street, CS&L will close a southbound lane of Prospect Avenue, just south of Church Street.  Stop signs will be deployed while power is removed. Once power has been restored, the signal will be in flash until the work […]

Prospect Avenue Lane Closure (between John Street and Daniel Street)

In order to repair a water main valve at the northeast corner of Prospect Avenue and Daniel Street, Shaw Brothers will close a northbound lane of Prospect Avenue between John Street and Daniel Street.  The closure will begin on Monday, October 14, and will reopen on or before Friday, October 18, 2024. Through traffic will […]

Prospect Avenue Lane Closure at Francis Drive

In order to perform storm sewer repairs, A&R Mechanical Services Inc. will be closing one northbound lane of Prospect Avenue at Francis Drive. Northbound Prospect Avenue traffic will be merged into a single lane through a short construction work zone. The intersection will remain open to normal traffic patterns. Work is scheduled to begin at […]

Green Street Lane Closure (between Highland Avenue and Prospect Avenue)

In order to remove a tree at 515 S. Prospect Avenue, Myers and Sons Company will close the westbound lane of Green Street between Highland Avenue and Prospect Avenue.  The closure will occur on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, between the hours of 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. During the closure, eastbound traffic will remain open.

Prospect Avenue Lane Closure at Marketview Drive

In order to replace the traffic signal cabinet, CS&L will close a northbound right turn lane of Prospect Avenue and an eastbound lane of Marketview Drive. Stop signs will be deployed while power is removed. Once power has been restored, the signal will be in flash until work is completed.  Work is scheduled to occur […]

University Avenue Lane Closure (between Prospect Avenue and State Street)

As part of the City’s 2024 Infrastructure Maintenance Project, A&A Concrete will be closing one lane of University Avenue between Prospect Avenue and State Street.  The work will begin on Thursday, July 11, 2024, and is expected to be completed by the end of the day, weather permitting.

Prospect Avenue Lane Closure (between Springfield Avenue and Healey Street)

As part of the City’s 2024 Infrastructure Maintenance Project, A&A Concrete will be closing one northbound lane of Prospect Avenue between Springfield Avenue and Healey Street.  The work will begin on Monday, July 8, 2024, with the closure expected to last six-to-eight days, weather permitting.

Annual Paving Project

Starting Tuesday, June 25, 2024, Cross Construction will begin rehabilitation work on Green Street from Russell Street to Prospect Avenue, and on John Street from Russell Street to Willis Avenue.  Work will consist of minor curb and sidewalk ramp replacement, patching, manhole adjustments, milling and paving, and applying new pavement markings. One lane in each […]

Park Avenue Road Closure (between Prospect Avenue and New Street)

As part of the City’s 2024 Infrastructure Maintenance Project, A&A Concrete will be closing Park Avenue between Prospect Avenue and New Street. The work will begin on Monday, June 3, 2024, and the closure is expected to last six to eight weeks, weather permitting.

John Street Lane Closure (between Prospect Avenue and Pine Street

In order to complete sidewalk and pavement patching, Illinois American Water and Shaw Brothers will close the westbound lane of John Street between Prospect Avenue and Pine Street.  The closure will begin on Tuesday, June 4, and will reopen on Friday, June 7, 2024. Eastbound traffic will remain open, and access will be maintained to […]