Items tagged: Planning Area One

NSD Launches Cleanup in Planning Area One

On Saturday, April 15, Neighborhood Services Department (NSD) Code Compliance and Coordination Staff organized and implemented a gateway cleanup project along Bloomington Road. Twelve neighborhood residents joined the implementation of the neighborhood cleanup initiative. During the project, 26 bags of litter were collected, along with discarded household items including a television, baby bassinet, crow bar, […]

City Staff Facilitates Meeting in Plan Area One

On March 27, Neighborhood Coordination Staff organized and facilitated the bi-monthly meeting of neighborhood residents and groups from Planning Area One. The meeting was held at Stratton Elementary. Public Works Director Dennis Schmidt attended the meeting to address concerns related to street maintenance, tree trimming and infrastructure improvements. Additionally, residents and groups from the area have been working collaboratively over the last year to advocate for additional resources and neighborhood improvements. […]