Items tagged: Memorial

City Holds Annual 9/11 Memorial Ceremony

The City of Champaign and our community continue to honor the commitment to never forget those tragically lost on September 11th. The Champaign Fire Department, with assistance from the Police Department, held the annual 9/11 Memorial Ceremony September 11th at West Side Park.  Those in attendance heard comments from Mayor Deborah Frank Feinen, Fire Chief […]

The City of Champaign Fire & Police 911 Memorial Service

Narrative: To “Never Forget” the impact September 11, 2001 had on our lives, The City of Champaign Fire & Police Departments will be having a brief memorial ceremony remembering those who lost their lives on that day and some who lost their lives because of that day. What:  Champaign Fire & Police Departments 911 Memorial […]

The Champaign Police Department Commemorates National Police Week

Each May during National Police Week (May 11-17, 2014), the nation pauses to recognize the service and sacrifice of U.S. law enforcement. Local law enforcement agencies in Champaign County join the nation in honoring men and women who lost their lives in the line of duty. On May 16, 2014, at 11:30 a.m., Champaign Police […]

Fire & Police Memorial Dedication Video

The City’s Information Technologies Department (ITD) recently filmed and edited the Fire & Police Memorial Dedication Ceremony on April 30, 2014. The ceremony features remarks from the Fire and Police Memorial Committee, Mayor Gerard, and other distinguished guests. The new memorial (located in the NE corner of West Side Park) is a tribute to the […]