Items tagged: HOME Consortium

American Rescue Plan (HOMEARP) Allocation Plan Consulting Services

The Urbana HOME Consortium, of which the City is a member, is seeking proposals from qualified persons for Urbana HOME Consortium – American Rescue Plan (HOMEARP) Allocation Plan Consulting Services. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded the consortium $2.9 million dollars in HOME ARP funding. This grant is intended to provide funding […]

Home Consortium to Receive Special Funding Allocation

On May 3, the Urbana Home Consortium, which includes the City of Champaign, the City of Urbana and Champaign County, received notification of a special allocation of funding through HUD’s HOME Investment Partnerships Program-American Rescue Plan (HOME ARP). This one-time funding of $2.9 million will create a significant opportunity to meet the housing and service […]

Federal Budget Passes, HUD Grants Await Details

Congress passed an Omnibus spending bill last week and now the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), along with other federal agencies, awaits their allocation from the Office of Management and Budget. Once HUD has their overall budget, they can notify grantees of their allocation amount and send grant agreement letters for grants like […]