American Rescue Plan (HOMEARP) Allocation Plan Consulting Services

The Urbana HOME Consortium, of which the City is a member, is seeking proposals from qualified persons for Urbana HOME Consortium – American Rescue Plan (HOMEARP) Allocation Plan Consulting Services. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded the consortium $2.9 million dollars in HOME ARP funding. This grant is intended to provide funding to reduce homelessness and increase housing stability across Champaign County.

The funding requires the consortium to engage in consultation and public participation processes and develop a HOME-ARP Allocation Plan. The plan must describe how the consortium intends to distribute HOME-ARP funds, including how it will use these funds to address the needs of HOME-ARP qualifying populations. Deadline to submit RFP is Friday, January 28, 2022 at 5 pm. To learn more about the RFP, visit