Items tagged: First Responders

Police, Fire host training day

Champaign Police and Champaign Fire held Rescue Task Force training at Jefferson Middle School on Tuesday, July 25. The training, which lasted from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., provided an opportunity for first responders from across Champaign County to gather and work cooperatively for a briefing, staging training, and to run coordinated scenarios for an […]

Champaign’s First Responders Answer the Call

Even under the cloud of a global public health pandemic, Champaign’s first responders continued to work around the clock in 2020 to keep our community’s residents and visitors safe, but do you know how busy they are on a daily basis? In 2020, METCAD, the 9-1-1 dispatch center for Champaign County, answered approximately 214,908 calls, […]