Neighborhood Services and Champaign Police Attend HACC Job and Resource Fair
The Housing Authority of Champaign County recently held a Job and Resource Fair, an event designed to support SHIFT program participants and others seeking career opportunities and access to valuable community resources. The fair served as a platform for connecting local job seekers with employment prospects and offering information on various community services. Neighborhood Programs […]
2024 Telecommunicator of the Year Recipient – Amelia Martin
The METCAD Telecommunicator of the Year for 2024 was awarded to Amelia Martin. Amelia began working at METCAD in October 2011, and 13 years later, she remains a source of positive energy. She shows up every day, ready to do whatever the job asks of her. She puts forth the effort to learn something new […]
METCAD’s Storm Response
On the afternoon of June 29, 2023, Champaign County and surrounding counties were in the path of a strong storm with extremely high winds, known as a derecho. This storm resulted in such a high call volume that the METCAD dispatch center was inundated instantly with 9-1-1 calls once the storm approached. During the first […]
City Staff Attend Library Community Job Fair
On February 20, City staff met with local job seekers at the Library’s Community Job Fair. Police Chief Tim Tyler and Police Sergeant Matt Crane (pictured right), along with Jessica Mullins and Stacy Rachel from the Human Resources Department, spoke with attendees about current and future employment opportunities with the City, the Police Department, and […]
Lance Buyno Selected as 2021 Telecommunicator of the Year
METCAD would like to congratulate Lance Buyno on receiving the 2021 Telecommunicator of the Year Award from the Illinois Sheriff’s Association! Sheriff Dustin Heuerman nominated Lance to receive the award based on a double homicide call Lance took in 2020 and Lance’s high-quality and detailed dispatching on a regular basis. Lance was honored at a […]
METCAD 9-1-1 Celebrates National Public Safety Telecommunicator Week – April 11-17
METCAD 9-1-1 is celebrating April 11-17, 2021, as National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week. This week, sponsored by the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) International is celebrated annually and honors the thousands of men and women who respond to emergency calls, dispatch emergency professionals and equipment, and render life-saving assistance to the world’s citizens. In […]
Champaign’s First Responders Answer the Call
Even under the cloud of a global public health pandemic, Champaign’s first responders continued to work around the clock in 2020 to keep our community’s residents and visitors safe, but do you know how busy they are on a daily basis? In 2020, METCAD, the 9-1-1 dispatch center for Champaign County, answered approximately 214,908 calls, […]
METCAD Supervisors Receive “Patriotic Employers” Award
In August 2020, the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) awarded METCAD 9-1-1 Supervisors Jennifer Frost and Karen Clevenger the “Patriotic Employers” Award. ESGR is a Department of Defense program that was established in 1972 to promote cooperation and understanding between Reserve Component Service members and their civilian employers and to assist in […]
Telecommunicator I Virtual Information Meeting
On August 27, 2020, staff from METCAD and the Human Resources Departments hosted a virtual information meeting about the Telecommunicator I recruitment process. Presenters included METCAD Operations Manager Betsy Smith and Telecommunicator Supervisor Jennifer Frost, and Human Resources Specialist Stacy Rachel. Topics included METCAD history and organizational structure, Telecommunicator job overview and duties, salary and […]
Champaign Police, Fire, and METCAD 9-1-1 “Jump Into Action” to Fight Hunger
First responders from Champaign Police, Champaign Fire, METCAD 9-1-1, and Mayor Feinen participated in the Eastern Illinois Foodbank “Jump into Action” repack event on December 2-3, 2019. Teams from local public safety departments volunteered their time and went head-to-head to compete to see who could repackage the most meals in one hour. Financial donations to […]