Neighborhood Infrastructure Repair Project
Schomburgh & Schomburgh will finish all work north of Springfield Avenue in the North Campus TIF area this week, and will begin working on Daniel Street between First Street and Third Street. The work involves sidewalk repair, sidewalk ramp replacement, and curb & gutter repair. This work is scheduled to be completed by August 15, […]
Healey Street and Fifth Street Road Closure
On Wednesday, June 25, 2014, A&R Services will close the intersection of Healey Street and Fifth Street. The work will consist of storm sewer improvements, new curb and gutter, new pavement, and new sidewalk. Weather permitting, work will be completed by Friday, October 17, 2014. Please pay close attention to construction signs and traffic control […]
Infrastructure Maintenance Construction Update
Schomburg & Schomburg Construction, Inc. has completed the sidewalk repair on the East side of Elm Street from Healey Street to White Street. The first two blocks of the Elm Street brick repair is complete and work is progressing on the final block between Union Street and White Street. Work in the North Campus TIF […]
2014 Concrete Street Maintenance
Fourth Street As part of the City’s Annual Concrete Street Maintenance Project, Beniach Construction will continue working on Fourth Street from Bradley Avenue to East Vine Street. Fourth Street will remain open for two-way traffic. The work involves pavement patching, sidewalk repairs and lawn restoration. Fourth Street is scheduled to be completed by July 31, […]
Healey Street Road Closure
On Monday, May 19, 2014, A&R Services will begin work on the Healey Street Reconstruction Project. The work will consist of storm sewer improvements, new curb and gutter, new pavement and new sidewalk. Weather permitting, the major work items will be completed by Friday, August 15, 2014. The project limits are Healey Street from Fourth Street to […]