April 7, 2020 Regular Council Meeting

CORRECTED 4-6-2020

The City Council agenda for the April 7, 2020, Regular Council Meeting is now available online and available through the link below.  In accordance with Champaign’s Emergency Order 20-10 and Governor Pritzker’s Executive Order suspending certain requirements of the Illinois Open Meetings Act, the City Council will conduct their April 7, 2020, Regular City Council Meeting through an electronic platform.  The Council meeting will be telecast live on CGTV (Comcast and i3 Broadband channel 5, U-verse channel 99), live streamed on the City’s website (champaignil.gov/CGTV), and a recording will be made available for subsequent on-demand viewing on the City’s website (champaignil.gov/CGTV).  Public input opportunities are also available.  Please visit champaignil.gov/publiccomment to learn more.

Click here to download the April 7, 2020 Regular Council Meeting Agenda

This article was corrected on 4/6/2020, to reflect this meeting is being held electronically and not in Council Chambers.