A property on North Fourth Street has been demolished following a lengthy inspection and abatement process. In August 2015, the property owner’s failure to correct outstanding code violations resulted in the requirement to register the structure as a vacant nuisance residential building. Unfortunately, the property owner did not register the property or complete any rehabilitation of the structure. A search warrant was executed by staff in the Neighborhood Services Department in November 2015.
The inspection found that a rehabilitation project in the structure would have been cost prohibitive, resulting in the code compliance case being forwarded to the City Legal Department for litigation. An Order for Summary Judgement was awarded in favor of the City in June 2018. The City prepared bid specifications for the demolition project and published a bid package, in which five contractors submitted a bid. Miller Enterprises was the successful bidder for the project and demolition was completed in February 2019. The City will proceed to file a lien for the cost of demolition and ultimately foreclose on the lien. Once title has been secured, the parcel will be placed on the next round of proposals for lot disposition.
- The property before demolition
- The property after demolition