The City of Champaign and its contractor, Duce Construction, continue to make progress on Projects 2 and 3 of the MCORE Project. Here are recent updates:
- Wright Street between Clark Street and Springfield Avenue: Wright Street will reopen to two-way traffic on Tuesday, August 14. Pavement markings will be complete by the end of the day.
- Green Street between Third Street and Fourth Street: Green Street will reopen on Friday, August 17. Landscape work and some minor construction and clean up will continue.
- White Street between Fourth Street and Fifth Street: White Street will reopen in this section on Friday, August 17. Additional work (trees trimmed, street lights on, and sign installation will continue). The traffic signals at Fourth and White will be functional by August 24 (currently on four-way flash).
Closing/Work Continues
- Intersections of Third Street & White Street and Sixth Street and White Street: These two intersections will be closed to traffic beginning Wednesday, August 15. Final completion will occur by November 2.
- White Street from Fifth Street to Wright Street and Second Street to Third Street: Work will continue on these two sections, which will be closed to traffic. Final completion will occur by November 2.
The City of Champaign, appreciates the cooperation and patience of property owners, residents, and visitors of the Campustown area during this important project. All businesses near the construction areas will remain open for business during construction. For additional information visit