On June 26, the newly redesigned Legal Department Webpages were published to the City’s website. In addition to multiple pages of content and a new Meet the Staff page, the Legal Department added several new features to better serve the public.
One of the new features is the Report Fraud page, which includes a FAQ section and an online form where City employees and the public can anonymously report allegations of fraud, waste or abuse by City officials or employees.
The new Ordinance Violation section provides user-friendly navigation of all violation related information. An Ordinance Violation FAQ feature was added to break down the prosecution process for those who have been ticketed for violating the City of Champaign Municipal Code. The convenient online payment option that was launched last fall can now be accessed on every page of the Legal Department site by clicking the Pay Ordinance Violation quick link.
- The Legal webpages before the update
- The Legal webpages before the update
- The Legal webpages now