Alexander Lumber Overgrowth Cleanup

Neighborhood Code Compliance staff responded to a complaint from Champaign Township Trustee Norman Davis regarding some overgrowth originating from Alexander Lumber that encroached onto the adjacent property, coming in contact with the single family residence. Although this property is in the Champaign Township, a Code Compliance Manager met with representatives from Alexander Lumber to work toward a resolution. In seeking the cause of the issue, it was determined that there was a misconception of property ownership due to a public access sidewalk. The sidewalk that runs between the two properties is actually on Alexander Lumber’s property and was installed as part of the development agreement to allow neighborhood residents to have access from Comanche Drive to Dobbins Drive. Copies of the final plat and development agreement were provided to Alexander Lumber, where conversations with management were productive and they agreed to address the situation. As a result, a contractor has removed the vegetation.


Alexander Lumber - Before           Alexander Lumber - After

Before the removal of vegetation          After the removal of vegetation