Officers from the Champaign Police Department issued several citations during the recent Labor Day traffic enforcement campaign. Officers issued citations for:
- Unlawful Cell Phone Use: Seven (7) citations
- Seat Belt Violations: Six (6) citations
- Improper Lane Usage: One (1) citation
- Disobeyed Traffic Signal: One (1) citation
- No Valid Driver’s License: One (1) citation
Law enforcement agencies throughout Illinois participated in this nationwide effort to save lives by getting more people buckled up during especially during the late night hours.
The Champaign Police Department joined forces with other state and local law enforcement and highway safety partners in conducting the crackdown campaign featuring high-visibility enforcement combined with a variety of outreach activities including paid advertising and over $1 million in additional police activity.
The recent law enforcement crackdown was funded by federal traffic safety funds through IDOT’s Division of Transportation Safety and is part of the statewide “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign.