News Release: City Prepares for Snowfall/Winter Storm


Champaign — The City of Champaign Public Works Department is preparing for the snowfall that is forecasted to begin Saturday night into Sunday evening. Crews will pre-treat bridges and primary routes with anti-icing chemicals. Once the snowfall begins, crews will begin plowing activities. Crews have worked around the clock since Wednesday and will continue to do so until further notice. According to Public Works Operations Manager Ernesto Salinas, “We are following the plans outlined in the City’s Snow and Ice Control Plan. Public Works staff is utilizing all available snow plowing equipment and additional contractual help. These crews will treat and/or plow City streets with the goal of providing for the safety and well-being of the City’s residents and visitors. Citizens should be aware that the National Weather Service is calling this a significant event, which this area has not seen in 20 plus years. The dry snow, accompanying winds, and life threatening cold temperatures will create a more difficult response situation. Our trucks will not be able to completely plow streets until the winds die down and temperatures rise, potentially sometime later in the week.”

The National Weather Service reports that our area will receive approximately 8” of snow Saturday night through Sunday evening. The dry snowfall accompanied by high winds in the 20-30 mph range. These factors will create blizzard like conditions. Temperatures are expected in the range of -5 to -15, with wind chills -25 to -35. These temperatures means the chemicals normally deployed will not work as usual on melting snow. Citizens driving will experience streets covered with snowpack until the temperatures rise and the chemicals begin working. Citizens are encouraged to stay home and stay off the streets if possible. If you must leave the house, please take appropriate precautions including wearing multiple layers and letting someone know where you are going. Citizens are reminded not to place snow cleared from their property into City streets.

Public Works staff will continue to proactively monitor forecasts and to respond in a timely and efficient manner to threats of inclement weather. Citizens are encouraged to monitor the City’s website ( ), CGT Cable Channel 5, and local media for information about street clearing activities. Whenever possible, Citizens are encouraged to keep City streets free of parked vehicles during this time to expedite plowing efforts and to utilize alternate off-street locations (such as the Hill Street Parking Deck in Downtown) in lieu of parking on the street.