The Champaign Fire Department hosted Alvaro Llanos and Shawn Simons as they presented “After The Fire” to Fire Department personnel and City staff from the twin cities on Sept. 16th, 17th and 18th. It was a dynamic presentation that included the film “After The Fire” – inspired by their true story of surviving a dormitory fire at Seton Hall University when they were freshman students. In that tragic arson fire, three students died and 58 others were injured. Alvaro and Shawn were two of the most severely burned survivors. They brought their dynamic story to Champaign and provided a powerful message about campus fire safety. Fire Department personnel were able to watch their film, see the aftermath from the burned survivors, and to ask them questions. University of Illinois students serving as housing leaders were also able to view the film and meet Shawn and Al during a Fire Factor Academy on September 17th.