On Wednesday, September 18, 2013, Cross Construction will begin work on the Kirby Avenue and Rising Road Reconstruction Project. The work will consist of milling off a portion of the existing surface, paving two layers of new asphalt surface, shoulder work, and new pavement markings. Weather permitting, work will be completed by Friday, September 27, 2013.
The portions of roadway to be improved as part of this project include Kirby Avenue, from English Oak to Rising Road, and Rising Road, from Kirby Avenue to a point approximately 1200 feet north of Kirby Avenue. Although one-lane traffic will be maintained, motorists are advised to avoid the area and take alternate routes. With limited exceptions, the intersection of Kirby Avenue and English Oak Drive will remain open, allowing access to Jacob’s Landing, Abbey Fields and Chestnut Grove Subdivisions. The contractor will provide a flagger as needed to help direct traffic.
Please pay close attention to construction signs and traffic control devices. Please proceed cautiously through construction zones and use alternate routes whenever possible. The contractor will attempt to complete construction activities as soon as possible to minimize any inconvenience to the residents in the areas of construction.
The City of Champaign would like to thank you for your cooperation and patience during this construction season. A map showing this location along with all 2013 City Engineering Division projects can be found at www.ci.champaign.il.us/pwd, click on “2013 Construction Maps” under “Timely Topics.”