City of Champaign’s Neighborhood Code Compliance Staff will be increasing enforcement this week and next in an attempt to eliminate large accumulations of trash and overflowing dumpsters on campus. Property owners will be issued notices giving them short response times in which to remove accumulations of trash. If the trash remains after the abatement time period has passed, the City will cause the trash to be removed and the owner will be billed for all costs incurred including an additional $100 administrative fee.
It is highly encouraged for property owners and tenants to participate in the Campus Move-In “Feed The Thing” event, a special project designed for recyclable cardboard that doesn’t fit in the blue recycling toters. Based on the success of last year’s event, the City has extended cardboard recycling opportunities. Participants can take cardboard items to any of the following locations on the specified dates listed below for recycling:
August 17 – 23, 2012
1. East Chalmers between Fourth and Fifth Streets
2. East Armory between Third and Fourth Streets
August 23 – 27, 2012
1. South Sixth Street between White and Stoughton Streets
2. South Third Street between Springfield Avenue and Healey Street
3. East Healy between Fourth and Fifth Streets
4. East Chalmers between First and Second Streets
5. East Chalmers between Third and Fourth Streets
It is hoped that all property owners and students will make a concerted effort to keeping the campus area clean during the fall semester move-in period and properly dispose of waste and recyclable materials.