More than three hundred area citizens participated in a Community-Police Forum on March 15, 2010 at Hawthorne Suites, Champaign. Students, parents, educators and local law enforcement members answered focus questions designed to identify police-community relations and youth issues, and workable solutions. The responses to the questions were collected by City staff and are now available at
The next step will be a review of responses by the Community Forum Working Group, a committee made up of representatives from the City Council, Human Relations Commission, Champaign Community and Police Partnership, and City staff, in effort to find common themes. The themes will be prioritized and developed into action items. This information then will be shared with Forum participants for their review and comment. The Working Group will then submit a final report to the City Manager for community-wide implementation.
Community members are encouraged to continue checking the City’s website at for updates on the Police-Community Partnership Six Initiatives.