Winter Weather Clothing Drive Aims to Give Warmth to Those in Need
The Champaign Park District, City of Champaign, Human Kinetics and Champaign Center Partnership have joined forces again this year for the 5th Annual Bundle Up’s Clothing Drive. Residents are encouraged to donate new or gently used coats, gloves, hats, scarves, and other cold-weather clothing to assist those in need this winter. Donations are being collected […]
City Participates in Bundle Up Winter Clothing Drive
This year, the City of Champaign is again partnering with the Champaign Park District and Champaign Center Partnership for the Bundle Up Clothing Drive. We are collecting winter items such as coats, hats gloves, scarves, etc. (new or gently used) until December 19th for those most in need. The City Building will be one of […]