Neighborhood Services Department – Neighborhood Engagement
On Sunday, September 15, 2024, the Jordan Drive neighborhood watch hosted their annual ice cream social. Members of the 22 households that make up the group look forward to the event each year as a way to catch up with their neighbors. That same evening, the South Willis neighborhood group hosted their 41st annual block […]
Timberline Valley North Hosts Annual Ice Cream Social
On July 20, the Timberline Valley North HOA hosted their annual ice cream social in the commons area off Alpine Drive. Neighbors enjoyed frozen treats and conversations with each other. The event organizer reported more than 55 people in attendance, the highest number since they started hosting their social 3 years ago. The HOA used […]
Trails at Brittany Ice Cream Social
On Saturday, June 10, 2023, the Trails at Brittany HOA hosted an ice cream social for their neighbors. Nearly 75 neighborhood residents came out to enjoy frozen treats and games. Staff from Police and Fire were on hand to interact with neighbors and offer an up-close look at a fire truck and squad car. Trails […]