Residential Fire – 1010 ½ N. Fifth St.
The Champaign Fire Department responded to a fire inside an enclosed porch at 1010 ½ N. Fifth St., Sunday, July 16 at 12:10 a.m. Fire crews quickly extinguished the fire in this single-family residence. Firefighters responded to multiple reports of a fire in this single-story home. Once on the scene, firefighters reported heavy fire coming […]
Residential Fire – 401 Ginger Bend Dr.
The Champaign Fire Department responded to a working fire at 401 Ginger Bend Dr., Saturday, July 8, 2023, at 9:59 a.m. Upon arrival on the scene, fire crews found smoke coming from the first floor of a center unit of this two-story apartment building. The fire was quickly upgraded to a second alarm. Crews quickly […]
Residential Fire – 912 Charles St.
The Champaign Fire Department responded to a fire in a detached garage at 912 Charles St., Thursday, July 6, at 10:16 p.m. Fire crews quickly extinguished this garage fire. Firefighters responded to a report of a detached garage on fire, initially called in by a passerby. Once on the scene, fire crews reported moderate smoke […]
Residential Fire – 2506 Sheridan Dr.
The Champaign Fire Department responded to a fire in a single-family home at 2506 Sheridan Dr., Wednesday, June 14, at 5:57 p.m. Fire crews quickly extinguished the fire in the home. Firefighters responded to a report of a fire in this bi-level residence called in by the occupants. Once on the scene, fire crews reported […]
Champaign Fire and Police Encourage Fireworks Safety for Holiday Celebrations
As Independence Day approaches and our community begins to celebrate July 4th, the City of Champaign reminds residents and visitors that fireworks can be dangerous and to celebrate safely by leaving the fireworks to the experts. In 2021, fireworks sparked more than 12,260 fires and sent 11,500 people to hospital emergency rooms. Twenty-three percent of […]
Champaign Fire Department to Conduct Training
The Champaign Fire Department will be conducting hands-on training, June 15-17, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the McDonald’s slated to be rebuilt at 1812 N. Neil St. Fire crews will focus on firefighter rescue techniques utilizing theatrical smoke to obscure their vision and create conditions similar to what may be experienced in an […]
Residential Fire – 2003 Winchester Dr.
The Champaign Fire Department responded to a fire in a single-family home at 2003 Winchester Dr., Friday, June 9, at 12:08 a.m. Fire crews quickly extinguished the fire in the home. Firefighters responded to a report of a fire in this single-story residence, with all occupants already outside. Once on the scene, fire crews reported […]
Residential Fire – 1117 W. Beardsley Ave.
The Champaign Fire Department responded to a fire outside a single-family home at 1117 W. Beardsley Ave., Wednesday, May 24, at 7:37 p.m. Fire crews quickly extinguished the fire outside the home. Firefighters responded to a report of a fire on the exterior of this single-story residence, called in by an occupant. Once on the […]
Champaign Fire Department Invites the Public to Open House
On May 27th, from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m., the Champaign Fire Department will host a ceremonial “Push-In” of the new fire engine at Fire Station 4, 2315 W. John St., Champaign. A “Push-In” dates to the horse-drawn fire engine steamer days when the horses and the steamer engine would return to the fire station after going […]
Residential Fire – 310 N Russell St.
The Champaign Fire Department responded to a fire outside a single-family home at 310 N Russell St., Tuesday, May 9, at 1:34 p.m. Fire crews quickly extinguished the fire outside the home. Firefighters responded to a report of a fire on the exterior of this single-story residence, called in by a passerby. Once on the […]