Items tagged: push in ceremony

Champaign Fire Department Invites the Public to Open House

On May 27th, from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m., the Champaign Fire Department will host a ceremonial “Push-In” of the new fire engine at Fire Station 4, 2315 W. John St., Champaign. A “Push-In” dates to the horse-drawn fire engine steamer days when the horses and the steamer engine would return to the fire station after going […]

Champaign Fire Department Hosts Ceremonial Push-In for New Ladder 164

On Saturday, September 22nd, 2018, the Champaign Fire Department will ceremoniously “push-in” new Ladder 164 into service at Station 4, 2315 W. John Street.  At 12:00 p.m., the new ladder truck will be wet-down, dried, then “pushed-in”.  Fire prevention messages and tours of the station will be given after the ceremony until 2:00 p.m.   This […]