Items tagged: Boards and Commissions

City of Champaign Clarifies City Council’s Request to Review Boards and Commissions

At their meeting on October 15, 2019, members of the Champaign City Council submitted a request to the City Manager to schedule a future study session to review all boards and commissions in the City of Champaign and their corresponding ordinances. The City’s boards and commissions perform an important function in providing input to the […]

City Accepting Applications for Citizen Review Subcommittee & Internal Use of Force Review Committee

The City of Champaign is continuing to accept applications from citizens interested in serving on two newly constituted panels. These committees are being created to increase transparency between the police and the public. The two committees open for application are: The Citizen Review Subcommittee of the Human Relations Commission.  The City is seeking citizens to […]

Board & Commission Webpages Get a Makeover

On April 3, the newly redesigned Board and Commission webpages went live to the public.  Incorporating a colorful new design, each Board/Commission page includes a large banner image, information about the Board/Commission, and contact information for its members.  Improvements to the website backend also makes updating the pages faster, easier, and more consistent. Before    […]