On October 6 and 7, City staff participated in virtual career fairs hosted by Eastern Illinois University and Southern Illinois University, respectively. The City’s participation in these events is part of an ongoing recruitment strategy to identify and utilize new and alternative methods to connect with current students and recent graduates during the pandemic. These virtual career fairs provided City staff from the Police Department, METCAD, and Human Resources Department with the opportunity to interact and engage students in real time to promote the City as an employer of choice as well as the current recruitments for the positions of Police Officer and Telecommunicator I. As with other recent virtual career fairs, these events have historically been held on each institution’s campus but transitioned to a remote platform to provide for the health and safety of students and employers. Departmental representatives included Sergeant Geoff Coon from the Police Department, METCAD Operations Manager Betsy Smith, and Assistant Director Eric Reynolds and HR Specialist Stacy Rachel from the Human Resources Department.