506 N. Ash Demolition Bids
The residential structure located at 506 N. Ash had a fire in 2006 and has remained vacant and boarded since that time. The owner registered the property under the Vacant Nuisance Residential Building Ordinance in July 2015 but did not submit a viable plan of action to repair the structure. Due to the lack of progress on the structure, an Administrative Search Warrant was executed in July 2016 to assess the interior of the structure. Rehab Technician Joe Lewis and Property Maintenance Inspector Susan Jones performed the inspection and found the structure unsuitable for rehabilitation. Jones referred the case to the City Legal Department to seek a demolition order for the structure. The order was granted in April and bid packets were available on May 7. Twenty-two companies requested bid packets through the City’s website. The bid opening was held on May 24 and five prospective contractors submitted bids. Bids ranged from $13,700 to $17,750. ICD Ironhorse, Inc had the lowest bid of $13,700 and will be awarded the contract. Completion of the demolition will take place by mid-July.