Champaign Community Coalition September Recap

On Wednesday, September 11th, 2024, the Champaign County Community Coalition convened for its monthly meeting at the Holiday Inn Conference Center from 3:30 to 5 PM. Local law enforcement agencies provided valuable insights into recent crime trends and shared updates on upcoming events and initiatives.

The Youth Assessment Center offered an overview of its services, detailing the program’s timeline, referral sources, and the activities youth must complete to successfully finish the program.

The meeting also highlighted the upcoming 2nd Annual Black Mental Health and Wellness Conference, scheduled for October 26th, from 8 AM to 4 PM at Parkland College. This year’s conference will focus on deepening our understanding of mental health, expanding perspectives, and fostering advancements within the Black community. Advanced registration is required, so please sign up using this link.

In a collaborative effort, Champaign Unit 4 has partnered with the University of Illinois School of Social Work and Promise Healthcare to establish a school-based health center within local schools. They will be hosting a series of events in the coming months and gathering surveys from parents and youth to assess community needs.

During the information-sharing segment of the meeting, participants had the opportunity to announce updates on upcoming events and programs. Notably, the NAACP Champaign County branch will host the 87th Illinois State Conference and Freedom Fund Program from September 26-29th. This three-day event will feature inspiring keynote speakers and recognize local community members making a significant impact. Learn more about the event and register here.