City of Champaign Welcomes Public Input as Part of City Council Goal Setting Process

The Champaign City Council will meet September 26 and 27, 2023, to discuss their goals for the 2023-2025 Council term, and members of the public are invited to share their thoughts and ideas now for consideration during their goal setting meetings. Public input is an important part of the Council goal setting process, and residents are encouraged to complete a brief survey and share their thoughts on what the City should focus on during the next two years. The survey seeks public input on two questions:

  • What do you value the most about Champaign?
  • What do you think the City of Champaign should prioritize and work towards accomplishing and/or improving during the next two years?

The survey runs through September 10, 2023, and is available on the Engage Champaign website – Residents may also pick up a paper survey at the Champaign City Building (102 N. Neil St., Champaign). All survey responses will be provided to the City Council in advance of their goal setting meetings later next month.

Following each Council election, the members of the City Council meet to discuss and establish their shared goals for the next two years. The City Manager and her executive leadership team use the Council’s goals to set City priorities, direct work activities, and allocate staff and financial resources. Residents with questions about the survey or the goal setting process can contact the City Manager’s Office at 217-403-8710.

The Engage Champaign site was developed to provide an enhanced, centralized platform to gather public input and increase engagement with Champaign’s residents concerning City projects, services, and initiatives. Residents are encouraged to visit frequently and to share their valued feedback on an everchanging number of public engagement projects.