The City of Champaign Minor Home Repair Program provides assistance to eligible homeowners to correct housing deficiencies of an immediate nature which threaten the health and/or safety of the occupants of the home or the structural integrity of the building. Eligible repairs include but are not limited to repair or replacement of an actively leaking roof, bringing outdated or dangerous electrical systems up to code and the repair of a failed sewer line. Funding for this program is provided by federal dollars the City of Champaign receives through the Community Development Block Grant program. Assistance is provided in the form of a forgivable deferred loan or grant depending on the amount of assistance. To qualify the homeowner must live in the home and have a household income of up to 50% of the median family income or 80% of the median family income for households of seniors or persons with disabilities.
Homeowners who would like more information may visit our website or contact Neighborhood Services at 217-403-7070 or [email protected].