Champaign Fire and Police Encourage Safe and Lawful Fireworks Celebrations

As Independence Day approaches and our community begins to celebrate July 4th and the season of fireworks, the City of Champaign reminds residents and visitors that fireworks can be dangerous and to celebrate safely by leaving the fireworks to the experts.

According to The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, there were approximately 10,000 fireworks-related, emergency department-treated injuries in 2019, with 73 percent of them occurring during the month surrounding the Fourth of July. To help in the prevention of injuries and property damage, ensure your family’s safety with the below tips.  Residents are also reminded to maintain a working smoke alarm and to regularly practice a home safety plan in case of fire or another emergency.

  • Be sure you are using legal fireworks, such as sparklers.  Remember, sparklers might seem like a safer alternative; however, they can heat up to 1,200˚F. Do not allow children to use them without adult supervision.
  • Generally, any fireworks that have to be lit by a wick and/or shoots into the air are illegal in the City of Champaign.
  • Legal fireworks should be used outside, away from homes, people, trees, dry grass, or any other flammable substances.
  • When handling fireworks always have a bucket of water and a fire extinguisher on standby.
  • If injured by a firework, go to a doctor immediately. If it is an eye injury, do not rub the injury, as it may cause more damage.
  • The best way to prevent firework injuries is to not use them at all.


Residents can visit the City of Champaign Municipal Code of Ordinances, specifically Chapter 13, Article II, for a more detailed definition of fireworks and what is allowed and prohibited.

Any resident who has information on the use of illegal fireworks is asked to please contact Champaign Police at 217-351-4545 or the non-emergency number at 217-333-8911. Officers will make attempts to generate voluntary compliance with the responsible party to stop the use of illegal fireworks. If that is unsuccessful, an NTA may be issued for a City Ordinance violation. There is a minimum $205 fine for the use of illegal fireworks.