Champaign County Community Coalition Hosts Virtual Meeting

On May 13, the Champaign County Community Coalition (Coalition) hosted its first virtual meeting.  Over 150 people attended this meeting via Zoom and the Coalition Facebook page.  Representatives noted below shared updates from their organizations and discussed resources available to community members at this time.

Questions were moderated in real time, giving attendees the opportunity to communicate with the panelists.  Due to this virtual platform, this meeting has reached over 2,600 viewers on the Coalition’s Facebook page to date.  The next Coalition virtual meeting will be June 10.  You can access this meeting via

          Champaign County Community Coalition Logo  City of Champaign | City of Urbana | Champaign County Sheriff’s Office
University of Illinois |Parkland College | CU Public Health | Frances Nelson Health Center
Champaign and Urbana Park Districts
Coalition Community Violence Response Task Force