On January 10 and 11, the Finance and Neighborhood Services departments attended a joint workshop for Franklin Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, a personal leadership development and training program. The two-day session was led by presenter Haydn Shaw, whose 27 years of experience as a workshop leader contributed to an insightful and interactive training session focused on principles of personal effectiveness.
During the two-day workshop, the presenter introduced the three successive stages of increasing maturity – dependence, independence and interdependence. The first three habits include how to be proactive, begin with the end in mind, and put first things first. These are intended to move a person from dependence to independence. During the interdependence stage, the presenter explained the next three habits which include how to think win-win, seek first to understand-then to be understood, and synergize. These three habits help to achieve the goal of effectively working with others. Sharpen the saw, the final habit, is that of continued improvement.
The session leader motivated both departments to work interdepartmentally during the activities and discussions. This allowed participants to see not only how the 7 Habits could be uniquely applied to individuals, but also to groups of people.
In order to continue developing what they learned at the workshop, Finance and Neighborhood Services will be collaborating on future learning opportunities and events.