The City of Champaign is pleased to announce that on October 12, 2018, the Timberline Valley South Home Owners Association (HOA) successfully reacquired their neighborhood’s detention ponds and commons area back from an out of town Limited Liability Corporation (LLC). The LLC acquired the ponds and commons area through a tax sale in April 2017. The LLC then refused to allow the neighborhood access to the ponds or common areas, stating they were now private property.
Several City departments provided resources to the neighborhood during this period: Neighborhood Services, Legal, Planning and Development, Police and Public Works. The City’s Neighborhood Services Department assisted the neighborhood by meeting with neighbors and providing support and guidance that led to the creation of the Timberline Valley South HOA. During the last year, City staff provided assistance to the neighborhood to establish a HOA that could work in a coordinated manner to reacquire the properties from the LLC. This support included facilitating neighborhood meetings to elect a board of directors, form an architectural control committee, and the establishment of HOA bylaws.
Once the HOA was established and registered with the City, the Timberline Valley South HOA was able to apply for the City’s small grant dollars to assist with their purchase of the ponds and commons area. The HOA received a City neighborhood small grant which was put towards the purchase of the property.
Media Contact: Nina Sibley, Acting Neighborhood Coordinator | 217-403-7070